Chapter 39

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A little while after Erik's birthday, we received a strange letter. It read:

"Angel, I am ill and wish to make amends. I know that you are living a happy life. I have begged Madame Giry to get this letter to you. I understand if your feelings toward me and my husband cause you to ignore this request. Please answer using Madame Giry's address. Forever grateful for your talents,

A second letter form Madame Giry was included:

"Dearest Erik,

Congratulations on the coming child. I am thrilled that you and Caroline are doing so well. I hesitated even sending this letter, but Christine begged me. She is a dying woman, and I could not deny her request. As far as I'm aware, her and Raoul have left for their journey to America as her condition worsened. Raoul gave me an address for you to contact them if you wish.

All my love,
Madame Giry"

I was stunned as Erik read the letters aloud and showed me the address attached. I nervously ran my hand over my protruding stomach. Erik was stunned too. "Erik, please don't let this ruin all of the work that we've done." I was referring to all of the progress we had made with his mental health over the years, "You and I created this baby so you could get back the time you lost with our other girls. Whatever your decision is, don't let it be at the expense of our children."

"If she is dying, I would like to see her one last time..." he said in a quiet voice.


"Caroline, I want you to realize that my wish to see her is only as a former teacher. It is not as a lover or friend."

"I understand. I would like to come with you."

"What about your condition?"

"I'll be fine," I replied, "I refuse to let you go alone. Besides the address is New York. They can't be that far away."

As I spoke, there was a knock at the door. I held my breath as Erik went to answer it. Only in movies would they show up at our door now.

Erik opened the door slowly, and I heard a familiar voice say, "Hello, Phantom."

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