Chapter 46

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The moment had finally arrived for Phantasma to open. It had become the talk of the town. Erik had made a big to do of everything. Everyone he cared about was there for the grand opening including Madame Giry and Meg who he convinced to come work for him.

Erik had tried to find a way to involve Christine's children in the opening ceremonies. I knew that in that moment, he wished Gustave could stand with him as his son... the legacy of the Destler name. However, he had made a promise to Raoul and wouldn't break it now. Ultimately, he decided that all of the children would cut the ribbons even including Mary's and George's son.

When the day finally came, our home was buzzing with activity. Erik had invited all of his close friends to our home for brunch. The five of us worked tirelessly to get ready for the day. Gisele was my right hand. She helped me get the food ready and set everything up. Meanwhile, my sweet little Genevieve sat in a chair holding Georgette and feeding her a bottle. Erik was upstairs pressing all of our clothes and getting any other last minute tasks done.

He came down to get the girls so they could dress, and he took my breath away. He was wearing a three piece suit and his white mask. He was such an attractive man. "Erik, you look wonderful..."

"Thank you, darling," he kissed my cheek, "Can you take the other girls to get dressed while Gisele helps me?"

He nodded and took them upstairs as Gisele and I put a few finishing touches on things.

Finally, the guests arrived for brunch. We celebrated happily and the time finally came to go to the park. The crowds were unbelievable. I looked across the carriage at Erik who held onto Genevieve protectively.

"My God," he whispered. He couldn't stop tears from falling from his eyes. It was too much for him, "I can't believe this is all because of us."

"You, Erik... Not us... and you deserve it," I said.

People cheered as they saw the familiar white mask go past. We all waved to them as our carriage chugged past all of the cheering people.

The special day went too fast. At last, we were standing on the outdoor stage following some musical performances. Erik held Genevieve on his waist while I held Georgette and Gisele's hand. The crowd was on their feet cheering for him and for us. Erik stepped up to speak, and a hush fell over the huge crowd.

"I am beyond grateful that all of you came today to help me live out my dream. The story of how I ended up here is a long one, filled with much hurt and sadness. However, the reason I am here is because of this beautiful lady standing up here with me," he glanced over toward me, and my jaw dropped. He rarely expressed affection in public, but this was a completely new level. "My dearest, Caroline," his voice was shaky, but he continued, "This park is all for you and our daughters. I would have never had the courage to accomplish any of the things I have if it wasn't for your persistent love and affection. I am difficult and stubborn, but you continue to love me. For that, I will forever adore you. My daughters, Gisele, Genevieve, and Georgette, words cannot describe how proud I am to be your Papa. You have all taught me more than I thought was ever possible to learn. Because of my beautiful daughters, I will donate a portion of the proceeds of this park to schools educating young women as well as a local school for the blind."

The crowd roared with love for my husband, and my heart swelled.

His voice was cracking and shaking, "I am overwhelmed with your support of us. Thank you."

When the curtains closed and we were alone as a family, I kissed my husband as the bright lights of Phantama flicked on for the first time.

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