Chapter 24

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When Madame Giry and Meg returned, they brought delicious looking food from the market. I still hadn't gotten used to the fresh food of the 1800s: the fresh-baked baguettes, fresh fruit, and lack of chemically altered food. It was indescribable how great the food was. 

"What sounds good to you, Angel?" Madame Giry asked. She had been very motherly to me, and I appreciated it deeply.

"Maybe a little bit of baguette and some soup."

"Sure, I'll bring that to you on a tray. How is our girl?" Madame Giry looked at Gisele.

"She's good. Do you think you can help me get her to nurse after I eat?" I asked, slightly embarrassed that I hadn't been able to get Gisele to nurse on my own.

"Of course, Angel. Don't be shy about asking for help. You know, "Madame Giry sat down on the edge of my bed, "Having a child and raising it is hard work. I want you to know that if you'll allow me, I will help you."

"I would love that... " I smiled at her despite the exhaustion that my eyes surely displayed.

"You have made Erik very happy. I see it in his eyes. He feels like a man, not a monster. It's all because of you."

Gisele interrupted our heart-to-heart with a shrill cry, "Antoinette, do you think we could try nursing now?"

"If you're up for it."

Madame Giry helped me to get Gisele to nurse. A little while later after Gisele was asleep, she brought me food and Erik returned.

"Where did you disappear to?" I asked quietly. 

"I... I... I had to clear my head."

"Clear your head of what, dear?"

Erik began to sob uncontrollably. I reached out and pulled him into the bed with me. Slowly, I wrapped my free arm around Erik while being sure not to wake the sleeping baby in my arms.

"Erik? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry," he cried.

"Erik, please... You're scaring me... What is wrong?"

"Erik doesn't deserve you or Gisele. Erik is a monster..."

I began to panic. I had never seen him this rattled since I met him. What could have possibly happened? What could have triggered this attack of insanity? I knew Leroux wrote about him speaking this way, but I had never witnessed it.

"You are not welcome here," Madame Giry said sternly to someone in the house. 

"Erik, what is going on?"

"That monster deserves to die!" shouted an unfamiliar voice. Suddenly, a crazed man in expensive clothing broke through the bedroom doors wielding a gun, "You deserve death."

"No!" I wailed, "He's all I have! He's all we have... Please..."

"Vicomte," Erik hissed, "You are no better than I. You are invading my home with my wife and child. Leave. Take Christine and leave." 

"Christine?" I whispered.

"She followed the Girys."

Erik walked toward Raoul, "Leave now."

"Angel?" said a breathy voice belonging to a woman that I assumed to be Christine.

This can't be happening. I thought to myself. Gisele began to cry, "Erik..." I murmured. He turned to look at me when suddenly a gunshot rang throughout the room. 

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