Chapter 8

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I stood up knowing the I had won the argument and quickly sat back down. I definitely had a concussion. These dizzy spells were getting the best of me. 

"Caroline!" Erik panicked as I landed heavily on the organ bench. Despite the dizziness I was feeling, I smiled internally at the tone of his voice. He was worried about me. 

"It's nothing just a little dizzy spell," I waved my hand dismissively. 

He reached for my hand and helped me to my feet, "Can you walk if I help you?"

I nodded as he put his arm around my waist and put my arm around his shoulders. We walked to a little sitting area within the lair and he helped me lower myself into a comfortable chair. 

I paused a few minutes to allow my brain to calm down, "I'm going to need to find a job. If I continue to live here, I need to contribute in some way."

"But you're a woman?"

"So?" I said in a typical modern woman fashion forgetting it was 1871. 

"Well, most women don't work... It's kind of..." He shook his head, "If you would like to continue living here, why don't you clean the place and cook? That will not be until you are fully better."

"I'm fine."

"Sure, you are," he let out a booming chuckle that was fitting of the Phantom of the Opera. 

"Oh stop," I held my head, "You are impossible."

"No, I believe that is you, dear."

My heart gave a flutter. He had called me, 'dear.' I wondered what that meant. For now, I would ignore it. "Let's play a game," I said shutting my eyes to block out the painful light. 

"Alright," I heard him sit down near me.

"It's called Questions," I made up a game, "We can ask each other questions with yes or no answers."

"What are the questions about?" he asked.

"See that's not a yes or no question," I laughed at myself.

"Absolutely impossible," he muttered trying to sound tough, though I could hear the playfulness in his voice. 

"About each other."

"May I start?" he asked.

"Yes, now it's my turn," I laughed. I was cracking myself up.

"Oh, Caroline," he let out another booming chuckle, "You are quite impossible."

"Go ahead," I said smiling, still holding my eyes shut.

"Do you like living here with me?" he asked nervously. 

I opened my eyes and smiled, "Yes, my turn. Do you like me living here with you?"

"Yes," he said looking down at his shoes, "You've brought some excitement. Have you ever been outside of Paris?" he asked.

"No," I answered, "Let's see. Is black your favorite color?"

"How did you guess?" he replied jokingly, "Have you ever been in love?"

Wow, he was going deep with these questions, "No. Not yet at least." 

His face opened up from its usual scowled expression, "Your turn," he said quickly changing the subject.

"Have you?" I asked. I held my breath waiting for his reply.

He sighed, "Yes. Once."

"What happened?" I asked. I knew I was overstepping, but I was falling in love with this man. I couldn't help myself. I wanted him to love me too. That had to begin with honesty.

"That's not a yes or no question."

"Oh, Erik, be serious."

"Do you actually want to know?"

"Well, you refuse to let me do anything because I'm ill so I have nothing but time."

"I can't imagine anyone would want to know about my sad-" He cut himself off, "Never mind."

"Erik, I swear if you keep saying never mind I'm going to slap you silly!"

"You are awful at being threatening. Fine, I will tell you." Despite the sadness in his voice, he smiled at me as he said it. 

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