Chapter 37

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Author's Note: Never fear, readers! It's not over yet, but I wanted to do a time skip to get some Erik with his daughters cuteness! Please keep commenting and reading! I love it!

Five years later... 

Gisele and Genevieve were growing up beautifully. Gisele was six years old, and Genevieve had just turned five. In the meantime, Erik grew into the person I believe he always dreamed that he would be. 

Ever since Genevieve was born, Erik had worked tirelessly to make a good life for all of us, especially Genevieve. Erik had worked with George to open an opera house, and he had been writing, directing, and producing operas since it had opened. His latest project was creating a rehearsal studio in the opera house where he could teach lessons, anything from voice to piano to violin. 

We became a typical family, and it was the life I had always hoped for. 

On this particular evening, we were preparing to celebrate Erik's birthday. Though Erik didn't know his actual birthday, he had chosen a day in the summer that he liked, August 13. 

Gisele had spent all day creating decorations and cards for our celebration. Genevieve had spent the day creating a musical composition to play for her father when he returned home. I had been right about her; she was a musical prodigy. From the beautiful melodies she played, you would never guess that she was only five years old. 

"Mama?" she called from the music room. 

"Yes, dear?" I returned as I went toward the music room. 

"Will you listen to this? It has to be perfect for Papa."

I sat and listened as she played a tune that she had composed on the piano. I clapped when she was finished, "It's wonderful!" I gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Papa will love it." 

I handed her the small cane she used, "Here, darling. Do you think you'd like to help with Papa's cake?"

"Will Gisele help me?"

"Of course, she will!" 

The three of us worked hard getting ready for Erik's arrival. We decorated the cake, hung up decorations in the house, and wrapped presents for Erik. 

The door opened and the girls went squealing toward their father, "Ah, my beautiful girls!" 

"Happy birthday, Papa!" they both cheered. 

Erik picked them both up. 

He kissed both of them. "Papa, your mask!" Genevieve noted, feeling the cool porcelain of his mask. 

"My apologies. I shall remove it at once."

Genevieve giggled and Gisele hung up his mask. 

"Happy Birthday, honey," I smiled, walking toward him.

"Oh my, darling, " he gave me the most tender hug.

"Well, we have quite the celebration planned, and our friends will be joining us later. Shall we?"

Together, our family went into the dining room and began Erik's birthday celebration. The girls showered their father with affection and small gifts. Finally, Genevieve announced, "Papa?" Erik looked at her, "Can we go to the music room?"

"Anything for you, my dear."

As a family unit, we made our way to the music room. Gisele whispered in my ear, "Papa is going to be so excited."

Like a professional, Genevieve sat down at the piano and played her composition for Erik. I watched as tears of pride flooded his eyes. He looked at me and smiled broadly through his watery eyes. 

Erik was too stunned to speak when she finished, "Papa? Was it okay?"

He knelt down next to her cradling her perfect little face in his hands, "It was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Truly magnificent."

Genevieve wrapped her arms around Erik, and Gisele went in for another hug too, "Papa, she worked so hard!"

"My wonderful girls," his voice was muffled and he hugged them both. His eyes met mine briefly, and he mouthed the words, "Thank you."

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