Chapter 47

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Ten Years Later...

Life was bliss for ten years. Our marriage was never better; our children were happy and healthy; and my Erik was at his peak.

There came a point in our relationship with Gustave that he became curious about Erik's past, how Erik knew his mother... we spun tiny webs of lies until we were beyond tangled in them.

Now, Gustave was a man of twenty years. Raoul became somewhat of an alcoholic after Christine passed away, and he was difficult at times. He and Gustave had their share of arguments once Gustave turned fifteen. Marguerite was six years younger than Gustave and tried her best to be a respectable young lady.

And now Raoul had to go and die. Gustave was to look after fourteen year old Marguerite, but of course, Erik and I reassured Raoul that she would have us too.

After Gustave took time to grieve the loss of Raoul, he began to ask more questions. My suspicion was that he had figured out who Erik was, but he wanted confirmation. He wanted answers to the questions we had evaded for several years.

One day while Erik was working and the girls were at school, Gustave stopped by the house. It reminded me so much of the day Raoul came to our house.

"Mrs. Destler, could we have a chat? I've brought some pastries from the local bakery."

"Gustave! How wonderful to see you!" I replied, "Please come in. You know you can call me Caroline now. You're a grown man."

He nodded respectfully. I served tea as he plated the pastries. We sat and made small talk before Gustave finally brought up what he had came for, "Mrs. Destler, I need information from you... I have had suspicions for years now about the relationship between my mother and Mr. Destler long ago. The more I study music with him... the more it seems clear."

My eyes fell to my lap. He deserved to know. Erik would be pissed if I told him...

"Mrs. Destler, I know what I'm asking for is a lot. If you know anything about my father, my real father, can you please tell me?"

"Gustave... I feel like you should have this conversation with my husband. It's not my place."

"Please... If it was Gisele, or Genevieve, or Georgette... wouldn't you want them to know?"

I hesitated, "I can't, Gustave... I'll tell Erik to talk to you."

Gustave's eyes filled with tears, "My father's' and my relationship was always strained. With him," he indicated a portrait of Erik and I on the wall, "It's so easy. I love that man."

"As do I," I whispered as tears cascaded down my cheeks. I knew Erik had wanted a son. I knew he wanted Gustave to know, but he felt guilty.

"Please, Mrs. Destler. Is what I suspect true?"

I was overstepping, but after Gustave's revelation of what he wished to be true, I could help myself. Knowing that Erik and I had tried to conceive a few more times for a son and had lost the pregnancies... I couldn't deny Erik of a son and Gustave of the father he had wished for.

Wordlessly I nodded. Gustave began to sob. I held him in my arms like my own girls.

Erik entered the room. I glanced at him and saw he was crying too. "My son..." he choked out.

Gustave leapt out of my arms and ran to Erik. They cried together, and Erik finally spoke, "I only wish I had told you sooner."

Author's Note:
Please comment! I love reading them! Let me know what you'd like to see before the ending!

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