Chapter 19

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Another week passed by and Erik was finally showing true improvement. We were getting closer to one another. I wasn't sure how long a courting period was or how any of that worked. I did know that Erik and I kissed, held hands, and snuggled before bedtime almost every evening. It was never discussed, but we were certainly in a relationship. 

I knew something was about to happen because Erik began to sneak around and be secretive. To some degree, it was making me uneasy, but at the same time, I knew Erik loved me. He professed his love for me each day, and I reciprocated by telling him I loved him too. 

I had been in this new world for a few months now, and I had no intentions of admitting that this wasn't always my life. I finally found happiness, and my secret was one I was comfortable dying with. 

A few days passed where I didn't see Erik, and he seemed to be hiding something. I tried not to think too much of it. I couldn't imagine losing him after everything we had been through. I truly loved him. 

That evening I sat reading a book, and Erik came over to me. We had shared a very awkward dinner together and now he was standing next to me again. "Caroline, can we talk for a moment?"

"Sure," I put my book down. He ran a nervous hand through his hair. I patted the seat next to me, and Erik sat down. 

"I've been wanting to talk to you, and I just haven't known how to bring this up to you." 

"Please talk to me... I've been thinking I've been doing something to upset you."

"No, you could never... I've been thinking about our living arrangements and our relationship. If you are comfortable living with me-"

I stopped him, "Erik, I love you. Of course, I'm comfortable living with you."

"Please," he said quietly, "Let me just get all of this out before you talk. I've been rehearsing this in my head for days, and I just need to say it." I nodded and waited for him to continue, "I've never had love before. I never knew what if felt like to be truly loved and cared for until you came along. I feel happy, genuinely happy, for the first time in my life. I never thought I would get to live in this house like a normal man. I didn't think I would have a woman to share my thoughts, feelings, and life with. So I need to ask you before I continue, can you be happy with me? I'm different, you know that. I'm trying to accept my face, and I'm trying to be a normal man.... Can you be happy with me?"

Without hesitation, I answered, "Yes."

His eyes got teary and a few tears fell which I quickly wiped away with my fingers, "If you're sure that I can make you happy... if you're very sure, I would like you to be my bride."

"Oh, Erik," I brought his face to mine and kissed his lips passionately, "Yes, the answer is yes."

Erik reached into his pants' pocket with a trembling hand. He pulled out a small box and opened the box. I gasped at the beautiful diamond ring that sat within the box. I gave Erik my hand and he slid the ring on my left finger. I kissed him again and stared at the beautiful diamond ring on my finger for several minutes. 

"Thank you, Erik..." I held him in my arms. 

"No, thank you, my dear. You have saved me from my solitude."

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