Chapter 36

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In the months before our Genevieve was born, life was good. Erik was happy, and he was slowly getting comfortable without his mask around the house again.

It seemed as though we had finally figured things out...

Until our world came crashing down again.

It had only been a few hours ago that Genevieve had entered the world. It had been a few hours since Erik had disappeared to the basement, his sanctuary. Things were being broken, terribly melancholy melodies were played on the organ, and his cries shook the house. It was his fault, he reasoned. If he didn't touch me, it would never happen again. He was sorry...

Genevieve had taken an extra moment to take her first breaths, and Erik had believed his genetics had caused her to be stillborn. He had started one of his episodes and went to hide. Luckily, Mary was there and with a little work, my second daughter's cries erupted from her tiny body.

Genevieve was beautiful. She had absolutely perfect skin, delicate features... she looked like a porcelain doll. Surely, Erik would be thrilled.

For some strange reason, I wanted to see her eye color. When I lifted her eyelid to see her eyes, I realized she had no eyes.

I showed Mary, and she patted my shoulder, "She's beautiful. She will be able to do anything in life. It's only a shame that she will never get to see how beautiful she is."

"I need to go to, Erik."

Mary shook her head, "He's a mess, Caroline."

"I know, but I'm the only one that can clean up the mess."

"You should be resting..."

"Please? I'll be good. I just need to see him. I can't take this."

Mary begrudgingly helped me out of bed and down the stairs. I stood at the top of the basement steps, "Erik?"

"Don't come too close. Erik will hurt you," he whimpered. My love for the musical and book could never prepare me for his episodes. They broke my heart in two.

"Erik won't hurt me," I spoke soothingly as I approached him.

"Erik hurt Genevieve."

"No, Erik didn't hurt Genevieve." I could barely stand to look at him. When he had these episodes, he cowered in the corner like a scared child, "Erik, she's beautiful... It's just how God made her. You know, a lot of times when a person doesn't have one sense, their other senses are stronger. She might be an out of this world musician like her Papa. Erik," I reached out and touched his hand, "Come meet you daughter. She needs you more than Gisele or I. You will be able to understand her and help her."

He followed me back upstairs, keeping a steadying hand on my back. When we reached the nursery, he went to Genevieve and began to sing to her.

Mary came to me in the hall, "Is he going to be okay?"

"We're all going to be just fine," I smiled at Erik as he fell in love with his newest daughter.

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