Chapter 11

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Another week had passed, and I was slowly getting used to my new life. I had learned how to launder my gorgeous gowns and Erik's suits and dress shirts. I also kept the lair tidy, and I cooked meals for the both of us. However, Erik did not each much, and while he would sit with me while I ate, he would not eat with me for it meant removing his mask. 

The real man behind the stories created about the Opera Ghost was different than I would have imagined. He was a classy gentleman who only purchased the finest groceries, clothes, and other goods. He was spoiling me too. Though we hadn't any more deep conversations lately, I felt that there was a romantic relationship budding between us. Then again, two of the loneliest people coming together, how could we not develop feelings toward one another. 

Erik was out today delivering plans for a building he had designed. He was truly a genius. The fictitious stories did get that right. His was a wonderfully skilled architect and composer. He was just brilliant. 

I decided to bake a sweet dessert to surprise him. It would be interesting baking a cake over open flames, but I would figure it out somehow. I had to do something for him. Truly, he had taken great care of me. To an outsider's perspective, it would be a reasonable assumption that the two of us had been married for a number of years-He would return home to his dutiful 'wife' and shower her with new dresses, jewelry, and only the finest things. She in return cooked him wonderful meals and provided him with companionship.- The thought of it made me smile. I had no intentions of returning to my former life. It was lonely, and I was much happier here with Erik. I only hoped that our relationship would eventually go beyond that of roommates. 

Once dinner was prepared and heating over the fire and my yellow cake was cooling, I sat down and continued working on the project I had begun. If I hurried, tonight could be the first night Erik and I got to enjoy dinner together. I had the brilliant idea to sew a mask for him. I knew the porcelain mask was most comfortable for him, but it didn't allow him to eat comfortably as it was too restricting. I decided the a cloth mask would allow him to cover his face and allow him to eat. My fingers worked furiously to sew the mask. I had read once that the most intimate thing you could share with someone was a meal because it allowed free flowing conversation. I wanted to finally have a true meal with Erik. 

I finished the mask made out of a soft piece of white cloth and some black ribbon I had found in the lair. I held it up and examined it, proud of my creation. "Perfect!" I said quietly. 

I heard Erik entering the lair, and I quickly hid the mask in the pocket of my apron, "Good evening!" he called out.

"Erik!" I replied happily.

"I'm sorry, my dear. The journey was longer than I remembered. I hope you haven't been waiting long?"

"Not at all," I smiled, "I have a surprise for you!"

"You do?" he replied.

"You're going to eat with me tonight!" I was too excited to contain myself. 

His face fell, "Caroline, we've been over this. I can't-"

"No, listen to me for a moment," I put my hand up, "I want you to eat with me, and I was trying to come up with a solution. I'll be happy if you eat with me, and you'll be happy if you keep your mask on, right?" He nodded in response. I reached in my apron and pulled out my creation, "It's cloth so I figured you can eat with it on. I tried my best to create it so it fits right. It has two sets of ribbons in the back so you can tie it to fit as you need it to. I know you cover your lip too, but I made it go as far down as possible, but obviously it can't cover your lip if you're eating, and-" I was thankful that he cut off my rambling. I had suddenly become very nervous wondering if he thought I was trying to deceive him into unmasking. 

"Caroline..." he reached for the mask and took it from my hand. He examined it. I was a nervous wreck. 

I began speaking to fill the silence that hung in the air, "I didn't mean to overstep, but I would just enjoy it very much if you would eat with me instead of sitting there watching me eat with your food growing cold and stale. I'm sorry I should've-"

His interruption for my rambling came in the form of a hug. I wasn't expecting it, and he nearly took my breath away. I reciprocated by wrapping my arms around his waist. We stood embracing for a few moments. It was the first time he had ever initiated a hug with me. 

Finally breaking the embrace, he spoke, "I just don't know what to say, Caroline. I've never met anyone so thoughtful..."

I shook my head and simply replied, "It was really nothing."

"It's everything, my dear," he breathed. 

"Will you go put it on so we can dine together?"

He gave me a smile and then dashed off to put the mask on as I laid our supper out on the table. When he returned, he looked happy, but he also held a hand in front of the right side of his lips, "It doesn't quite cover up the deformity of my lips."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I just figured it would be in the way if it covered your lips. I can fix it tomorrow if-"

"Caroline," he walked over toward me, "You've done something so wonderful for me, and I want to make you happy too. As long as you're sure you won't be disturbed or sickened by the sight of my lips, I will be perfectly comfortable in this mask."

"Oh, Erik!" I ran to him and threw my arms around him, his hand still covering his lip. He was shaking, "I want nothing more than for you to eat with me. I promise I won't be disturbed or sickened. It's quite alright. May I?" I asked touching his ice cold hand.

He nodded, a look of shock on his face. I glanced at his lips as I removed his hand. The stage makeup in the Broadway musical was pretty accurate in terms of the deformity being apparent on his lips. They were just slightly swollen and misshapen on the right side. He was nervous. To show him a bit of affection, I placed a light kiss on his cold hand before intertwining our fingers and leading him to the table. 

For the first time, we enjoyed a meal together. Later, when I surprised Erik with the sweet cake, we enjoyed it together as well. To my happy surprise, Erik kept his cloth mask on for the rest of the evening. 

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