Chapter 41

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Author's Note: I can't express in words how thankful I am to have gotten to see Phantom on Broadway. It breaks my heart that in less than half a year, the Majestic will no longer run the beautiful show that many of us love so much. If you're reading along, let's all keep the Phantom love alive! Best to all of you! Thanks for reading and commenting always.

We relaxed in their sitting room for a few minutes. I adjusted my sitting position and rested my hand on my growing stomach, "Are you alright?" Erik asked quietly.

"I'm fine, honey," I patted his leg.

"Can I get you anything, Madame?" Raoul asked me.

"Please call me Caroline. If you don't mind, I would love some tea. If you show me to your kitchen, I will make it for all of us."

Raoul began to protest, and Erik interrupted, "She's impossible when she's decided something. I would just show her the kitchen if I were you."

Raoul let out a chuckle, "She seems like a perfect match for you, Erik."

"She is," Erik smiled proudly.

I went into the kitchen and began to make tea for all of us. When I returned to the sitting room with tea, Raoul had become emotional again. I heard Erik speaking soothingly to him, "Raoul, you and I have had our differences, but I am a different man now.  My wife and children have filled my heart with love. Because of that, I will gladly provide you with a job and help your children in any way I can."

I set down the tray on the table in front of them, "Raoul, where are the children? Have they eaten?"

He shook his head.

"I'm going to make something for all of us then. What about Christine? Does she have any kind of appetite?"

He shook his head and cried.

I glanced at Erik and then sat next Raoul. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "You're going to be okay. I'm going to make some food for us and the children. Go check on your wife. Erik, go with him."

Raoul gave me a hug, "I don't understand how you two can possibly be so kind to me. I was a monster to you both."

"As was I to you and Christine," Erik said, "Time goes on. We love, we live, we give what we can give."

I smiled as I heard the familiar lyrics.

As I prepared dinner, Erik and Raoul went to check on Christine.

They returned awhile later and we gathered around the table to eat dinner. I half expected Erik to push his plate away and refuse to eat since it would mean removing his mask.

Over the years, we had slowly gotten him to the point where he would eat a meal maskless with Mary, George, and their children. There was no way he would remove his mask to eat with Raoul and his children. Or would he?

When I set his plate in front of him, he gave me a smile and spoke, "Raoul, Gustave, Marguerite," he addressed the de Chagnys. "I'm afraid I cannot eat with my mask on. Would you mind terribly if I take it off?"

"Please make yourself comfortable," Raoul said.

"Gustave and Marguerite," my husband spoke gently, "My face is different than your father's. I was born different that's all. It's not contagious and if you would like to touch it, you may. It doesn't hurt me."

The children were interested in what he was saying. He slowly removed his mask and placed it next to him. Marguerite's eyes looked and then returned to her plate. Raoul's did a similar thing.

Gustave, on the other hand, was fascinated and began to ask Erik questions about his face.

It was then I knew that there was some truth in Love Never Dies. Gustave was Erik's son.

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