She kisses my forehead "its okay darling, settle down...I'm the one that's sorry"

"Please don't yell again" tears still leaving my eyes.

"I won't, I promise...I won't, I've got you baby" she rocks us back and forth as her hand rubs up and down my back.

I finally catch my breath "I'm sorry Lou"

She holds my face in her hands "enough of that, I'm the one that's sorry...I won't raise my voice again, I didn't mean the things I said...I'm just scared thats all, I can't bare the thought of something bad happening to you, I can handle things happening to anyone else but you" Her voice cracks "but you...oh not you" She pulls me close into her body again "because I love you" She whispers ever so gently into my ear.

Before I can tell her I love her back we are interrupted by Tammy.

"Everything okay?" She asks, concerned.

"Yeah fine, just a little upset...we are about to come back in" Lou replys

Tammy's hand reaches over and she places it softly on my back before walking back inside. We hold each other for a phew minutes before heading back into her apartment. She kisses me one more time.

"Nice of you both to join us" Debbie says sercasticly.

"Thats enough Deb" Tammy says.

"I'm just kidding, so Lou I never told you because I know you would refuse to let Gwen be part of this...personally I think she'll do great" Debbie smiles at me.

"This better go 100% right" Lou threatens.

"Enough!" Tammy says like she's a mother trying to force two sisters to get along.

"So Gwen you will enter the car dealership and act like you want a car, we will dress you in expensive cloths so you look like you have a lot of'll convince him more" Debbie says.

"Then I'll rip the clothes off you later" Lou whispers in my ear.

I smirk at her with flirty eyes.

"So is everyone clear about the plan?"

Everyone agrees.

"Lou, can I talk to you please" Debbie asks her.

Lou pretends she doesn't hear her.

"Lou! Stop being so stubborn"

"I'm not being stubborn" Lou snaps back

Debbie raises an eyebrow at her "" her voice very serious.

Lou rolls her eyes "I'll be back in a sec sweetheart" she kisses the top of my head before going into a different room with Debbie.

Tammy brings me over a glass of wine and sits next to me "how are you?" She asks.

"I'm okay, how are you?"

She nods "Yeah I'm good, I'm glad you and Lou worked things out"

"Me too" I smile.

"I hope Lou isn't to mad at Debbie"

She shakes her head "No they'll be fine, they disagree a lot but they always work it out"

"Can I ask you, why didn't Debbie want me to tell Lou?"

Tammy looks around the room then moves closer to me "don't tell them I told you but I think its best you know, Lou is seriously protective over the people she cares about...she ehm...she almost killed someone over one of her ex girlfriends, we know that won't happen this time with you so that's why we asked you but Lou would have never agreed to it"

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