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Third Person Pov

The room was silent scaring david in more ways than one. David had finally gotten everything off his chest but he didn't feel relief instead he was nervous beyond words. "Please say something" David says as darrian continues to stare with that same unreadable expression. "It's ok" David says.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same way I just need to know how you feel" David says with tears coming to his eyes. "I don't know what to say" Darrian says before running his hands down his face. "This is a lot to process" Darrian says making david frown. "You've had three weeks' David says.

"Look this isn't easy for me! Word to my dead I haven't ever felt this way towards another dude before so excuse me if i can't just perfectly express how i feel" Darrian says. "You could kiss me though" David says making darrian frown. "Whatever bro" Darrian says feeling himself become irritated.

"Your a coward" David says making darrian's neck snap in his direction. "What did you say!?!" Darrian yells/ask. "I said your a coward" David says matching his friends energy. "What makes me a coward?" Darrian asks. "Your scared to just admit that you like me to" David says making darrian laugh.

"I ain't scared of nothing" Darrian says. "So prove it" David says moving closer to his friend. "Tell me how you feel" David says and darrian frowns. "I feel like nothing makes sense. I feel like all these feelings are hitting me at once and I'm not getting enough time to process. I feel a certain way towards you that i don't feel for anyone else" Darrian admits.

"I'm starting to look at you very differently. The day you took my dollar and i chased you trying to get it back I couldn't help but think about how beautiful you looked in that moment" Darrian says smiling at the memory. "You had a big smile on your face and looked so happy and carefree" Darrian says.

"When i kissed you that night i felt something that i haven't ever felt the millions of times i kissed my girlfriend. The next day when i came to visit you i ran because i didn't know what to do and i was still so confused on how i felt and if the kiss really meant anything" Darrian says making david smile.

"Wow i ain't know i had you in yo feelings like that" David says while laughing making darrian frown. "We gon have to shake if you keep on" Darrian says as david continues to laugh. "So what does-" David starts before darrian cuts him off by pecking his lips.

"No more we'll talk more tomorrow if i keep talking like this i'm gonna puke word to my dead" Darrian says making david playfully roll his eyes.

Most likely ending this book at 30 chapters and my last update I'll see ya'll next weekend

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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