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Third Person Pov

Darrian walked over to chris's house with a mean mug on his face. Darrian could let a lot of things slide but one thing he wasn't gonna ever let slide was being ignored and by david of all people. Darrian banged on the door and impatiently waited on the other side for the door to open.

David peaked out the window and jumped back feeling nervous. "Look what you did now he knows I'm here" David says and chris rolls his eyes. "Your being dramatic i'll just go downstairs and handle this. Chris opened the door seeing a very angry looking darrian on the other side. "Where he at!?!" Darrian yells/ask.

"You actually just missed him he left just a minute ago" Chris says and darrian frowns. "Did he say where he was going?" Darrian asks and chris shakes his head. "Naw he ain't say" Chris says. "You must really think i'm stupid i know he here" Darrian says before pushing chris out the way and making his way to the guest room.

He bust the door open and looked around the room. He checked every surface of the room but couldn't find david. "He probably went back home" Darrian says before turning around and slamming the door. David sighed in relief and climbed back through the window and turned around being met with darrian.

He had his arms crossed and was leaning against the closed door. "You really thought i left!?!" Darrian yells/ask making david nervous. David still remains silent choosing to look everywhere but in darrian's direction. Darrian grabbed his face making them look each other in the eye.

"You ignored me on the phone but word to my dead you won't ignore me in person" Darrian says before moving his hand to david's arm and dragging him out the room. "We leaving" Darrian tells chris as they walk out.

There's a reason i'm the queen of bad books and this book is one of them

Hope ya'll enjoyed

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