"Yes, ma'am." She rushes away.

I look at Luke, waiting for him to say something, anything.

He doesn't.

Of course he doesn't.

I start walking towards the door, where the woman is still standing.

She doesn't get out of the way when I reach her.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" She asks nicely but we all know she doesn't mean any good.

And are you kidding me? Her son literally said my name a minute ago.

"Reign." I answer regardless.

"Reign who?" She raises a brow.

"Reign Miller." I say, her eyes immediately travel behind me to look at her son and then back at me.

She cocks her head and smiles at me.

"I know my son's handsome, Reign Miller but please, have a little self respect for yourself, you're young, you're beautiful and you have a bright future ahead of you. Throwing yourself at guys who will never look forward to having a future with you won't get you anywhere in life, do you understand what I'm saying?" She asks, still smiling at me.

I stay silent because I yet again find myself waiting for Luke to jump in and say something but he doesn't.

The fact that he couldn't talk to me or look at me after we had sex did not bother me at all, I don't believe in the whole 'he fucked you' thing, I believe in the term 'we fucked each other' but his Mom calling me a slut to my face and him not saying anything about it?

Now that shit hurts, bad.

I give her a small nod, afraid that my tone might betray me if I speak.

"Good, and I do expect you to stay the hell away from my son." She whispers, almost like she doesn't want him to hear.

A tear rolls down my cheek and I feel confused. What is even happening right now?

She finally moves out of the way and I step out, she walks further inside the room and slams the door after me, making my heart quiver.

"What are you doing sleeping around with Daniel Miller's daughter?" I hear her ask Luke, he mumbles a response but I don't quite catch it.

I furrow my brows at her question.

How the hell does she know who my father is?

Who doesn't know who your father is?


That man really succeeded at making my life a living hell.

I rush towards the stairs, eager to get the hell out of this house.

I step out of the house faster than I had walked in, I spot a man standing by a black SUV, I'm guessing he's Simon.

I hurry to Luke's car to get my backpack, grabbing it from the passenger seat and walking to the SUV.

I pause when a BMW parks next to Luke's car, it kinda looks like Luke's last car but in pink.

It looks better in pink.

A beautiful slim blonde girl in a school uniform gets out of the car, she's wearing sunglasses and Prada boots.

Her entire look reminds me of Gossip girl.

This must be Luke's little sister who goes to Hawthorne.

"Who are you?" She takes off her glasses, her blue eyes scanning me the same way her Mom did as she chews slowly.

Love Is Overrated जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें