Plot twists, hostages, Scar lost in thought, and an awkward transition!

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T/W: mentions of swords at necks(the neck in question is Zersaphed), a short non descriptive fight seen, implantations of imprisonment(?), kidnapping, slight swearing(mentality-ish), mentions of a gun/being held at gun point in A/N

POV: Grian 

My blood thrumes through my veins at the voice, filling my body with adrenaline. "You." i growl in galactic, forgetting that he doesn't know who i am. "Do i know you?" Zersaphed asks with a smirk. I mentaly pause, trying to calm down.

"No." i answer. "But i know you." i fly at him, (not literally)summoning my sword from where it rested on the table just seconds before. Out of the corner of my eye, i see Impulse hide the fragment in his pocket. Won't do much, but it might slow them down.

Staying light on my feet, i slash at his side. He blocks, and i thrust my other sword towards his chest. He just barely manages to dodge, but falls right into the grasp of Dawn, who is apparently stronger than she looks.

With Dawn holding Zersaphed hostage, i put my sword under his chin, uncomfortably close to his neck, for him anyway. "What do you want with us." i ask, saying it like a statement. He sners, and says, "Wouldn't you rather know how your precious little Prime Admin is doing? I hear my dungeons are especially uncomfortable this time of year."

At that, i let out a strangled cry, trying to hide my feelings. Xanthus looks shell-shocked, and the others are confused.

Zersaphed looks warlly at my swords, particularly the one closest to his neck, and says, "While i would love to stay here and watch your priceless faces as you tell the other pesky humans what i said, i do rather have a dimentiverse to take over. And i think this one will make the perfect hostage."

It takes a moment for his words to sink in. And then Scar is being lifted up by a beam of purple magic, and Tango is grabbing onto him, trying to save him, and Mumbo tries to save Tango, and Iskall tries to save Mumbo, and then all four of them are gone, kidnaped right in front of our eyes.

POV Change: Yalli

When i hear the screaming, my first thought is that someone is coming to save me. But then i realize who's doing the screaming. "Bumbo?!?!" i shout, voice still horace. And then four people appear in front of me, holding onto the others as if they were trying to save each other.

The one who looks the most normal falls to the ground, flailing. The second, one with red eyes and fiery rage, is holding onto the normal one, the third, who i remember as Bumbo The Spoon, is holding onto the second, and the fourth, who appears to have a robotic eye, is holding onto Bumbo.

When they hit the ground, they all groan, and slowly sit up. At least they've got the sense to not immediately jump up and try and break out, unlike a certain gremlin who i will not name.

Red Eyes is up first, and I vaguely remember someone calling him Mango or something. He looks around. The first thing out of his mouth isn't 'where are we,' or 'who are you,' or even 'well, fuck.' Instead it's "BASALT ASSAULT BLEW UP AGAIN!?"

The next up is the normal looking human, who says something just as intelligent as Mango. "Jellie Pandas?"

Then comes the cyborg, who says and I quote, as this is a book, "Iskall-MAN?!?!"

Thankfully, for my sanity's sake, the so-called Bumbo The Spoon says something intelligent. "WHERE ARE WE?! WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE ARE THE OTHERS?! IS GRIAN SAFE?! HOW 'BOUT ISKALL?! AM I OK?!"

"Mumbo, I'm right here." The cyborg says, who must be named Iskall as I know Grian.

"I don't know where the others are, nor how they are doing. All i know is that we are currently in the Watchers' dungeons, in the original End, and that i am the Prime Admin, Yalli." Well, at least that shut them up.

They stare at me for a solid 60 seconds before i decide that its time for introductions. "Listen, let's not bother with titles right now, from now on we're on a first name basis. You three can call me Yalli, and from what i remember you are Mango and Bumbo, right?" i ask.

The normal one snickers, despite the circumstances, and says, "No, their names are Tango and Mumbo." My face goes slightly pink as i realize my mistake. "Curse you Xel." i mumble under my breath. He's the one that confirmed their names. My guess is that Bumbo is an inside joke of sorts, and Mango was just me miss hearing him.

"I'm Scar!" The normal one says. "And this is my first time getting surprise adopted!"

"And I'm Iskall!" Says Iskall. "And this is also my first time getting kidnapped!" This statement is followed by an awkward silence.

"So, uh, any chance you guys can get us out of here?" i ask, finally breaking the silence. All four of them shrug in unison. "Aren't you the Prime Admin? Can't you get us out?" Mumbo asks. "I wish." i say. "I've been here for about two weeks, with no luck." another pause, and then, "i have no magic, but i do have the stone you gave me." Mumbo says.

"I have Vex magic, am a very bad wizard, and can talk to plants." Scar admits. "I have some Nether magic." Tango explains. Iskall, however, just sighs, and stares off into space, mouthing words and sometimes mumbling incomprehensible syllables.

Finally he speaks, saying, "And I'm a Listener. To be precise- excuse the author while they figure out what level i am- Oh, this just in, I'm a lime green Eaves, short for Eavesdropper, which is what Listeners in training are called." Iskall reluctantly reveals, his ruthlessness towards Bob not going unnoticed. 

And with that, the author made an awkward transition into the A/N, but not before Scar mumbles something about "the great Jellie Lords speaking to me about some 'author' person."

985 words. "Iskall is a Listener?" One astronaut asks. "Yep, always has been." The second one says, holding a gun to the first's head. 

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