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Jimin had never been happier to be on his way home.

They'd wrapped Jungkook up in blankets and bundled him and their daughter into the back of the car.

He climbed in with them, keeping Jungkook close.

Jungkook hadn't yet put the pieces together and worked out that

Jimin hadn't come for him after he'd been taken by Jih.

He worried about how his omega would react when he learned the truth.

"How long ago was the hospital?" Jungkook asked, cuddling against him. "I'm still so confused about everything."

"The hospital was over ten days ago." he explained.

"Oh." He sat up suddenly, alarmed. "Are the others okay?"

"What do you remember?" Jimin probed gently, not wanting to throw everything on top of his omega all at once.

"I remember that Max went outside when he heard all the noise but it kept coming closer."

So, Tae took the baby to hide her while Darcy went out to delay them, He never came back."

"Are they okay?"

"Tae's fine, He hid with the baby until I got there."

"Max was badly injured, He's still in hospital but he's recovering."

"But Darcy—" He stopped, holding Jungkook's gaze.

"He's gone, isn't he?" Jungkook whispered.

"Yeah," Jimin whispered back.

"He didn't suffer, It was quick."

Jungkook gave a sad sigh. "It's all my fault."

"No," he insisted.

"It's not your fault, The only person to blame here is Jih and he'll pay for what he did with his life."

As he said it, he glanced up, meeting Joon's eyes through the rearview mirror.

His brother nodded in agreement.

"More death isn't always the answer." Jungkook said.

"A leopard doesn't change its spots." Joon replied.

"More people will die at Jih's hand or as a result of his decisions,He is steeped in blood."

"Tons of it and those alphas he was working with, Antoine and Virgil?"

"They were agents of death."

"They said they knew you." Jungkook said suddenly, alert as the memory returned. "That they'd trained you, Is that true?"

"They bought Joon from our pack when he was just a kid." Jimin explained.

"And yes, they trained him."

"What kind of training?"

"Seduction, murder, that sort of thing," Joon said, with studied casualness.


"I'm guessing Jih didn't tell them the truth about you at first,about how he was able to capture so many alphas." Joon said.

"He must have known they'd want you and he'd never explain your disappearance to your grandfather's satisfaction."

"They'd have had much better uses for your unique talent of forming temporary bonds."

"What they'd have done to you, the chaos they could have caused..."

Jimin was glad that hadn't happened.

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