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Jungkook stared at himself in the mirror, turned to the side, smoothing his hand over the barely there bump of his stomach.

He was approaching his fourth month.

Tae had told him it wouldn't be long after that before he started to feel the baby move.

Little flutters in his belly that would gradually become kicks.

He was excited for that, wanting to experience it not just for himself but to see the wonder and amazement on Jimin's face when he felt them.

They'd fallen into a routine that he would have called comfortable.

Jimin spent a lot of time in the guest wing to be near him but they slept in separate bedrooms unless Jungkook was feeling particularly needy or homesick.

They ate together, shifted together, spent their free time side by side doing whatever took their fancy.

But they were more like close friends than bonded lovers.

Jungkook didn't mind that so much.

He was still getting used to the idea that he could be his own person.

That he wasn't a prize people fought to win, a present to be unwrapped by other people's hands.

And jimin seemed to cherish him, to cherish each touch, each kiss.

"Ready?" the alpha called from the doorway.

Jungkook startled and blushed letting his hands fall to his side, embarrassed at having been caught staring at himself in the mirror.

"Amazing how quickly you're changing, isn't it?"

"A month ago, I could barely see anything but now there's definitely a bump," the alpha said. "Small but just noticeable."

"Soon you won't be able to help noticing it."

"I'll start to look like I'm carrying a football under my T-shirt."

The alpha stole up behind him, wrapping his arms around him and pressing a kiss to his neck.

Jungkook made a little sound of surprise and pleasure.

Jimin had been growing steadily more affectionate, in a casual way.

Jungkook found he really liked it and tried to reciprocate.

He did his best not to let his anxiety get in the way but fear of rejection was never too far from his mind.

"You look beautiful," the alpha insisted, "and you're only going to look more beautiful as our baby grows inside you."

"Not all change is bad."

He leaned back into Jimin's embrace, smiling happily until he remembered just why the alpha had come to get him and where they were going.

After a lot of back and forth, Joon had managed to arrange a private meeting with Jungkook's grandfather.

"Time to go?" he asked.

"Time to go," Jimin confirmed.

"Did you eat?"

"A bowl of oatmeal and some fruit."

His appetite had come on in leaps and bounds once the worst of the morning sickness started to wane.

Breakfast had become his favorite meal of the day instead of the time he dodged food and nibbled on crackers.

"Well done,I've packed snacks for the journey and plenty of water."

"You need to keep hydrated and put your warm jacket on and maybe a hat and scarf."

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