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Jungkook almost threw his pen down in frustration, the figures blurring in front of his tired eyes.

Math used to come easy to him but now each problem seemed almost insurmountable.

Sighing, he went back to the textbook flicking through the pages to find the example.

After spending a few minutes studying it, he went back to his question and tried again, finally making progress.

He went onto the next question, completing it quickly but the third one had him stumped.

He flicked through the book to no avail, his frustration building again.

This time he did throw his pen, wincing when it bounced off the wall and landed somewhere on the floor.

"Not going well?"

He spun around to see Jimin in the doorway watching him.

Relaxing, he turned back to his work.

"I think I've gotten stupid."

After years without anything to challenge his brain, maybe he'd lost the quick-minded intelligence he'd had as a teenager.

"You haven't gotten stupid."jimin said coming to stand behind him, pressing his hands against his shoulders.

"You're just out of practice."

"It feels like I'm trying to think through jello. Every thought is so slow and it wobbles."

Jimin laughed, leaning down to murmur in his ear.

"You know what you need?"

"Ice cream?" he asked hopefully.

His preference for plain foods to ease his morning sickness had become a craving for sweet, cool, and creamy.

"To take a break"Jimin corrected.

"and get some fresh air." He tugged Jungkook's chair back.

"Come on, up you get."

Grumbling, Jungkook got to his feet.

"Why don't we stop in the kitchen for ice cream on our way out?" Jimin added.

He perked up at that, sliding his hand into Jimin's and lacing their fingers together.

"You read my mind."

"I'd say I read between the lines but you've been very clear on your preference for ice cream these days."

"No matter what time of day it is."

Jimin had tried to draw the line at ice cream for breakfast but Jungkook had turned his most puppy dog-like expression on the alpha and he'd caved.

They met Darcy in the kitchen.

"Hey guys, I have those new sketches for your tattoos."

"You should drop by when you have the chance."

"We'll call over later." Jimin promised.

"Right now, we're in dire need of ice cream and sunshine."

"Better get out there soon so,"

he said. "I hear there's rain on the way."

Jimin snagged them some ice creams and they wandered outside. It was dry out but there were gray clouds in the sky.

Darcy had been right about the rain.

They ate their ice cream as they walked through the herb garden, waving to Kitty as they passed her, the beta busy, her hands covered in soil.

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