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Max survived his surgery but it was two days before he regained consciousness.

In the meantime, hobi had returned home with Yoongi who was making a slow recovery of his own.

Every hour passed with excruciating slowness and all the while there was silence from Jungkook's pack.

"Have you thought about a name for her?" Noah asked quietly when he found Jimin feeding the baby in the kitchen at three in the morning.

"Jungkook and I talked about names." he said, his voice low and hoarse.

"But we were sort of expecting a boy, She was quite the surprise."

But a good surprise.

A happy surprise.

He just wished Jungkook was there with them to share it.

"You should call her something, even just for now, Can't keep calling her 'the baby' forever."

"It doesn't seem right to name her without Jungkook here."

"Names are important," Noah said.

"You and she need to bond."

"We are bonding." Jimin replied, staring down at her alert blue eyes. "She knows I'm her papa."

Her hand caught hold of one of his fingers.

"So I see," Noah said softly.

He moved closer, resting a hand on Jimin's shoulder. "She's doing great, Jimin."

"And you're doing just fine."

Noah went back to Yoongi and the kids, leaving Jimin to the quiet of the kitchen.

"We are doing just fine, aren't we?" he said to the baby, rocking her a little when she started to drift off, the bottle still half full.

"Hey, You're supposed to be eating, not sleeping."

He coaxed another few mouthfuls into her before giving it up as a lost cause and lifting her up to his shoulder.

Rubbing his hand in rhythmic circles across her back, he caught the sound of quick footsteps hurrying toward them.

"This place is busy for three a.m., huh?"

Her only answer was a burp of wind and Jimin laughed.

"Better out than in, little one."

The door pushed open, Joon standing there, his eyes worried.


"What is it?" he asked, biting back the urge to ask, 'what now?' What new depths had their run of bad luck reached?

"Jungkook's grandfather called."

He sat up straight at that, his hand still on the baby's back.

"What did he say? Is Kook okay? Did you make a deal?"

Joon held his gaze and Jimin felt his heart sink.

"He's asking for our help."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"He doesn't know where Jungkook is. He says the attack at the hospital wasn't the big hit and that Jih is missing."


"He wants to meet, wants our help to find Jungkook."

"Our help? We called him a week ago and it's taken him this long to pick up a phone?"

WHERE YOU BELONG  ||  JIKOOK ✅Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz