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"Jimin?" Jungkook tried, calling out into the emptiness.


There were sounds in the distance.

Voices yelling,footsteps thudding.

"I'm sorry," he sobbed. "You weren't meant to come."

"It's a trap, I'm so sorry Jimin."

The door was open and he tried to drag himself toward it but his legs wouldn't work, his arms were aching and his vision kept swimming like he'd been dunked underwater.

Two feet appeared in the doorway and he stared at them uncomprehendingly, shutting his eyes when the spinning started up again.


The voice seemed distant and echoing.

"Jungkookie?" Nearer this time, almost like someone was whispering in his ear.

"Jimin!" he called, wanting all the bad stuff to go away.

"I'm here, baby." a voice said as a hand carded through his hair.

It couldn't be.

The alpha's scent hit him a moment later and he opened his eyes, wincing when the world did somersaults.

"You shouldn't be here." he said when his eyes managed to focus on the alpha.

He tried to push him away frantic desperate. "I told you not to come, I used the code."

"They're there In hybe."

"You're supposed to be there to stop them."

He shoved at the alpha again only for Jimin to capture his hands, the alpha shushing him gently.

"I got your message loud and clear, hybe is safe."

"But how are you here?"

"We had help," the alpha said simply, his hand brushing the hair from Jungkook's forehead.

"You're burning up."

"What's wrong? What have they done to you?"

"Wasn't them," he muttered viciously.

"Was Jih gave me something to drink to break the bond."

"Ant-on said he said it'll k-kill me first."

Exhausted, he flopped back down onto the floor, one hand holding tight to Jimin's shirt.

"I want to go home."

"I want my baby Please, I don't want to be alone again."

The alpha's arms slipped under him and then he was being lifted into the air.

"You'll never be alone again, I promise."

And then they were moving, through the corridors and outside into the fresh air.

It felt good on his skin but he started to shiver violently, his teeth chattering.

"Jimin." a familiar voice called.

"Is it him?" Jungkook knew that voice.

His grandfather.

"It's him." Jimin confirmed.

"But Jih gave him something, some drug meant to destroy our bond, He's really sick."

"Let me take him." his granddad said.

"They need you around the back They've got Antoine and a small group of guards cornered but they're taking casualties."

Jungkook twisted his head so he could see Jimin's face.

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