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One look from Jungkook's uncle and he knew what was coming.

"When?" he asked.

"Day after tomorrow."

"Who is he?"

"Some trained fighter."

"New to the underground fight scene, turned up a few months back, won every fight so far."

His uncle handed him a folder.

Jungkook flicked it open, taking in the grainy pictures of the alpha.

Even from a distance, he could see the battle scars.

"Where'd he come from?"

"Anyone hunting him?"

Trained fighters tended to stay in the official circuits.

"No one looking for him."

"Best guess is he escaped from somewhere, laid low for a while and now he's out to make his mark."

"And you're making him mine."

"He's just what we want."

"All I need you to do is work your charm."

Jungkook knew his role.

"Sure thing, Uncle Jih."

He did his best not to sound bitter but he couldn't muster up any enthusiasm.

His distaste for his job was no surprise to anyone who knew the truth.

"We leave first thing tomorrow to set things up."

"Should be a cakewalk."

There was always some risk with what they did but Jungkook could count on one hand the number of times things hadn't gone to plan.

What alpha could turn away a willing omega?

He didn't get to watch the fight, his uncle concerned it might tip the alpha off.

Instead, Uncle Jih watched and sent Jungkook a message once it was over, a signal for him to head to the bar where the alpha was known to go after a win.

Jimin didn't give him a second glance, which knocked him off-kilter for a moment but it didn't take long before another alpha was all over him, not accepting his polite attempts to extract himself from the conversation.

In the end, he did Jungkook a favor as his persistence led Jimin to remove him from the bar by force.

It was amusing to watch and gave him an in when the alpha returned.

He slid into the seat next to Jimin and offered the alpha a drink.

It didn't go the way he'd hoped at first, the alpha brushing him off like he was just another irritant.

But when Jungkook explained his reasoning using the alpha's aura of anger as a shield he got an amused reaction and another drink.

That small gesture was all he needed.

He matched the alpha drink for drink after that, though quietly switched to drinking the tonic neat before the alcohol could go to his head.

He needed to be clearheaded enough to be sure things went as planned while at the same time needing Jimin drunk enough that the alpha went along with it.

He'd shared a bed with many alphas, across the spectrum from rough to gentle.

From a fighter like Jimin he'd expected rough, forceful even.

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