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Y/n's pov

"No devi farmi entrare!"
"Perdere questo è importante devi lasciare che i dottori se ne occupino!" I wasn't allowed in. Something happened when I was talking to him. The machines surrounding him, started going crazy, beeping like some kind of manic alarm. The moment the beeping started, Draco's body started rapidly shaking. Vibrating, some sort of fit, I think.

The medical staff ran in taking him away. My heart is beating rapidly, what the hell is happening. "Cattive notizie."
Bad news. No. My face fell, I could taste blood. A smile crept on her face.
"É sveglio."

I pushed straight passed her, practically falling into the door. The doctors were gone, it was just me and him. I couldn't bare look, I was scared. I can't remember the last time I was scared... this could be the first. "You know, Darling, a daughter isn't actually a bad idea. I have a great name for her! And what the hell where you mumbling on about, a king?"

He wasn't in the bed, he was sat in the chair. "Dray," I ran towards him, jumping on top of him. Tears building up, but I pushed them back, this was a happy moment. "I am so sorry Dray, I put you through all of this. I love you so much but I completely understand if you never want to see-" He cut. Me off by bringing my into a kiss.

Our heads spinning, I hadn't felt like this for the longest time. He was here kissing me. I thought this was a fantasie that was only possible in my messed up head. "I love you so much-" He cut me of again with another kiss. We parted and I said "Where on earth did you find that outfit?"
"What you don't like it?! I have my resources."
"You only woke up a few minutes ago!"
"Well I wasn't going to stay in them peasant robe things, a suit is far better."

Draco's pov

I am living in the now know Bianchi castle. Everything has changed, apparently when I marry Y/n I'm going to be king! Don't get me wrong... it amazing, just a little strange. Y/n has made sure that the whole of the wizarding world knows that I am it is definitely, a lot. I went from the fuck boy of Hogwarts to the future King of the wizarding world.

I am definitely upset that I didn't get to see Voldemorts demise but I am happy that Y/n did what she always dreamed of. Y/n sleeps like she is dead, so still that you could place her in a coffin and believe that she was really dead. But the day she came back from seeing Tom, it was hell. That night she was a devil... not in the way I wanted unfortunately. Screaming through the night, she screamed out on about how much she wanted to kill hime. She finally went through with it, thank god.

Y/n is in the Bianchi ministry right now so I have about an hour. I clutched the box in my hand.

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