Truth or dare

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Y/n's pov

I woke up to the feeling of a kiss being placed on my forehead and a "Good morning Darling."
"Dray what time is it?"
"It's 9, we slept through breakfast. But I need to go to class darling." I put on the dressing gown that I left out the other day and stepped out of bed. "Shit!" I can't fucking walk. My weak legs dropped me onto the floor with no mercy. "You okay?" He shouted from the other end of the room, not noticing what happened. My face fell flat on the floor. "Uhm Dray... I might need a little help." He strolled over to me, I can't even look at his grinning face. Scooping me into his arms, he carried me to the bathroom and placed me on the side. "So... am I really that good that you fall over?"
"Shut up."
"Goodbye Darling."

I limped around the room for a few minutes to steady myself before doing spell to strengthen my legs. Reminiscing about what happened last night, my face blushed. I love him. I love him so much.

That's when the voices kicked in, they were like my sign to bring my self back to reality. I could here whispers coming from the, wardrobe, bathroom, under the bed... everywhere. Don't panic... it's not real. He used you for your body. Draco is probably making out with another girl. Your father will kill him. You're not strong enough to defeat anyone. You will never be strong enough to rule. Bella will die. Pansy will be killed in the war. He doesn't love you.

"STOP!" I screamed out loud, thank god everybody is in lesson or they would have heard it. Usually when I have a mini meltdown, I use a silencing spell. Oh no. Oh shit. I didn't use a silencing spell last night either. Great the whole school probably heard us last night. Okay, if nobody brings it up, it can't be too bad right?

I went about my day re-reading the shatter me series for the seventh time, I mainly read it for Aaron Warner. Oh my god, no wonder I like Aaron... he is very similar to someone I know. I set my book down at the table daydreaming about when the classes would finish.

"Darling I'm back, join us in the common room, it's drinks and a few games of truth and dare." I nodded and locked arms with him as we made our way to the common room. They were all sat in the sofas and chairs, it was very tight for space. There was one spot next to Pansy, Draco sat down leaving me, standing on show like an idiot. He looked at me like I had lost a lot of brain cells in the past few seconds.

Sometimes I'm smart... other times I'm kinda thick. Dolohov used to say that I'm like Sherlock Holmes with serious brain damage. Draco grabbed my arm and pulled me onto his lap, I was terrified that I would squish him, but he didn't seem to mind. Calm down. I can feel all the eyes on me was it because I was on his lap or they hear us last night or because I just killed somebody?

Before the game could start Astoria walked over to us completely ignored the fact that I was literally sat on his lap. "Hey Drakie, do you wanna hang out sometime."
"Astoria no. I have a girlfriend and I don't like you."
"Yeah but don't you miss the old days, don't you want something between us?"
"Yeah actually I do." I looked at him in confusion
"Really Drakie like what?"
"A wall... now leave." She didn't leave.

"Okay guys we all have drinks right? .... Okay great! Let's start the game." Pansy exclaimed, she seems happy. She was sat next to her boyfriend Blaise, and her other best friends, she was drunk and she wasn't doing any school work. Pansy was really in her element, I'm so glad that she is getting used to being confident in her own skin. "So does anyone want to go on first?"
"Yeah I will." Astoria scoffed. "Hey Y/n truth or dare?" I always choose truth, you can just lie and get out if it if the question is really bad. But dare, no way, it's far too risky. "Truth,"
"Playing it safe are we? Well....are you a virgin?" Oh god, I know we're this is going.
"Astoria don't." Draco said trying to stand up for me in a way. I clutched his hand to stop him, I can deal with a bitch... no, I know what your thinking, I'm not going to kill her. Even if I want to.

"Oh yeah sorry Y/n, Draco fucked you didn't he. I think the whole school heard."
"Your right Greengrass... he did fuck me. Oooooh it's my turn now! Astoria truth or dare?"
"Uhhhh, truth."
"Astoria, is it true that you are a whore?"
"What did you just call me?"
"Oh I didn't call you anything, it's just a question." She looked like she wanted to kill me, perfect. "And remember it's called truth for a reason so you have to answer honestly!"
"Liar, liar pants on fire." I flickered my eyes and made her bang her head once on the cold stone floor, I love having control of my powers. She ran out of the room as blood trickled down her head.

Everybody was staring at me. "Y/n what the hell was that?" Pansy uttered.
"It might be a shock but that actually was the most civil conversation that Astoria and I have ever had! Let's carry on with the game!

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