Missing body

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Y/n's pov

Heading down to breakfast, I asked every person if they had seen him. It was an immediate no. I didn't eat breakfast, didn't talk to anyone, didn't do anything but search. I might be paranoid but what do you expect? I have slept with 7 different weapons around my bed at night since I was 4 years old just in case. So if you think for one millisecond that I will not panic about Dray... your wrong. There are so many things that could happen and I'm really hoping that my father has nothing to do with this.

I gave up on the students, they all have their head too far up their backsides to notice anyone missing. I went up to McGonnagles office.
"Hi Professor..." She didn't look to happy, "I know your kind of pisse-...mad, your kind of mad with me still because of the whole murder thing but I really need your help!"
"Y/n you are a girl with much talent and I thought that you were better than killing a boy in cold blood. But I have learnt to forget what happen that day and start over. What is troubling you my dear?"
"It's always a boy isn't it!"

"No professor, I've not come here for relationship advice. I think somethings happened to him."
"My dear, I'm sure he will show up soon."
"Professor... he's been gone since yesterday!"
"Yesterday... maybe he went home?" Why didn't I think of that! All morning I have been searching down the lower town and all around Hogwarts... but I didn't think of the most obvious place.

I scrambled up to my room pushing 4th years out of my way as I sprinted up the stairs. Earning strange looks from the other prefects. I wasn't an athletic person so running up them stair left me in a fit of heavy breathing. I was a sweaty worried mess!

I quickly changed out of my uniform and shoved on some presentable clothes. Even in dark times I will always look stylish. I still find it strange not using a wand. At one point I wouldn't leave the house without it, but I don't think I have picked up my wand for about... 4 months!

I apparated to the Malfoy manor and stood outside, admiring its beauty. The manor was big, nowhere near the size of the riddle castle, but the dark stone walls of the house in front of me actually felt like a home. Before I opened the door I started to feel a little self conscious, a feeling I don't normally get. It was only the Malfoys in there... what's wrong with me.

Narcissa was the one that got me hooked on music. Every time she came over to the castle to clean up the bodies that my father left of the floor to rot, she turned on the record player. 6 year old me would dance around the kitchen with her as the music played so loud my ears rang when it stopped. That was the highlight of my week, when the record player was on. For my 7th birthday, Narcissa snuck me a muggle MP3 player and that was one of the happiest days of my life.

And for Lucius... I never acknowledged him as a person if I'm being honest. He was a servant of my father, nothing more. He also disgusted me on the vile ways he would treat his son. When we were younger and Draco and I were sat at the meetings I used to notice bruises on his neck. I never thought anything about them, now I do.

I knocked on the door my heart beating rapidly in my chest. This time I wasn't meeting The Malfoy's... I was meeting Dracos parents. I felt a pressure on me know.

A house elf open the door, and let me inside. He lead me into the living room. I pitted the small creature, a few years ago I gave lots of clothes to the Riddle house elves, to annoy my father. So we don't have any anymore, I have a soft spot for elves.

I looked around at the pairs faces both tears stained. "Cissy... what happened?" I said as I ran towards her and perched next to the fire. She didn't speak, so I turned to look at Lucius.
"The Dark Lord had taken him from us." He said tears glistening in his eyes. My heart dropped.
"But he's alive though?" I asked frantically
"For now."

I didn't say goodbye I just left. That small encounter was not what I hoped for. I apparated to the Riddle castle, fury building up inside of me and I bursted open the door.

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