Rulers council

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Y /n's pov

I strolled into the Bianchi ministry, loving the feeling that I got from seeing my name on the board where the old ministers used to be. The meeting room that I had acquired when I became Queen was a little similar to Toms death eater room... but it was so much bigger.

The room had a crystal hanging chandelier and black wood that was carved into pictures of old fairy tale myths. The seats were old leather and there was portraits of old men on the wall (Don't worry I took those down). I don't mean to be racist but I'm just trying to speak the facts, throughout history everything was controlled by white old fat men, who ruled in a way that lined their pockets. The wizarding world was in for a new perspective, one that benefits everybody not just the Queen.

There was already a bar stocked up with the finest whiskey, perfect for me. No wonder these laws were so crappy, they were probably drunk when they made them. I poured myself a glass and set it down at the side of me, getting out the darts in the drawer. I took a quick sip of my drink and started throwing, it was far to easy as after all of this practice I just keep hitting the bullseye.

While throwing the darts my mind was drifting apart. What if what the old lady said was true maybe there was a chance. Bella even died trying to tell me something maybe this was it. I sound like a stupid teenage girl who just can't accept the truth. But either way... I need to talk to Tom.

"Y/n! Y/n what the hell! We've been shouting you for like... I don't know 20 minutes!" Said Pansy violently shaking me.
"Sorry Pans,"
"Were you listening to that blasted music again?"
"You call it music I call it my therapist!," she looked at me unamused "I was thinking."
"Oh god... what are we doing now?"

I sat them down at the table "Well I have three things to tell you. One is that I am going to give you all a mark... tatto thing. Two is that we are going to do a spell so I can talk to the Dark Lord. Three is that... there is hope that Draco might be alive."
Here comes the chaos. Screams and shout came from the other side of the room. I let them have their little rant while I blocked out the noise. I strolled over to the bar, lighting up a cig. "SHUT IT!" That worked quite well actually.

I lined them all up, and zapped a little black snake onto the finger of my friends

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I lined them all up, and zapped a little black snake onto the finger of my friends. "Y/n why aren't you giving us the mark on the arm instead?" I glanced down at the healing gash and decided not to tell her "Uhhh... it just convenient I guess. Next on the list... summon Voldemort, yay."

We sat at the table clutching each others hands, I have a ruff idea on how to do this spell. I guess we are just going to have to wait and see how this goes. I closed my eyes trying to focus on the spell, attempting to block out everything from my mind ."What do we do now?" Goyle whispered
"Shut up Goyle... she's trying to concentrate." Pansy hissed.

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