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Y /n's pov

Riddle castle. God this place needs re-decorating. I walked up stairs to my wing and noticed all of the cobwebs, with me not pushing the word clean. I think that everybody forgot. Being evil doesn't mean being ugly. Well I'm not evil... I don't want to be and I never did. I wanted to be the ruler, the queen in the chessboard that toys with all of her little pawns, but now I finally can do that... I don't want it. I don't want to be evil, I want to be powerful. I have succeeded in that at least. Tom Riddle taught me that if you want to rule you have to be feared, no he was wrong you need respect and fear is just a bonus. Some would say I'm going soft... but what do I care I am the fucking queen.

I slowly paced around my castle as the Queen of the wizarding world. It sound weird. A few months ago I would have been ecstatic! By my side I would have had my father guiding me, Bella just beings there and loving me unconditionally and Draco would have been there to, nervous as hell that my father just won't leave. If he was there we would have been picking out wedding cake and choosing matching crowns, while planning the rest of our future together. It may sound a little childish but I don't care, I would have been with him.

What happened? Instead I'm alone as Queen in my castle with Tom dead, Bella dead and Draco dead. I slumped against the wall letting out all of the tears that have been desperately trying to claw their way out. I have blocked these emotions out for too long and now here comes the water fall. Crying is weakness and leaders don't show weakness. I can have the world collapse and still keep smiling, but when I get into the bathroom with my headphones in I cry so much I wish that death would just come and get me already.

I straightened myself up and pulled my self together. I have a meeting at the new ministry in a few hours... well if you can call it that. It's kinda just me, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle. The only reason that the last two are there is because everybody else is dead. It odd to think that a few Y7s could be controlling... everything.

I headed into town first to grab a few more darts just to stock up. I walked through the small city shops peering at the terrified pedestrian faces, they parted into two side as I walked strait down the middle, and a smirk grew on my face. "My Lady... what beautiful ring" Said one of my subjects, she was an elderly lady, wearing only rags. I felt pity for her. But she was brave, she was talking to me while the others were ushering their children to come back inside with such haste.
"Thank you," I said, pulling out a note from my pocket "Here, take this, it is not fair for any to live in poverty." I pushed the bill towards her the woman resisted at first but then took it. I have never grown up in poverty but I have witnessed it. I kill people who deserve to be killed. But I still have a heart. And that heart is in pain when seeing a person living without the basic necessities.

"You are very gracious my Queen, you shall reign for years to come I hope. If you don't mind me asking...who's is the other ring?"
"It was my fiancés."
"Voldemort killed him... because he loved me too much."
"Your majesty... you must be mistaken. I mean who is the ring for?"
"Like I said, my fiancé who has passed."

The old woman looked like I am an absolute idiot!
"My Queen, that is a Cressida ring."
"Yes we got them to symbolise our love."
"The Cressida ring is bonded to the two that wore the gems," She lifted her bony finger up to my neck were I wore Dracos ring on a necklace "The light pulse of the Cressida is the heart beat of the other."
"But that can't be possible... he's dead."
"Magic is never wrong your majesty, I thought that you of all people would know that."

"May I just ask, why you approached me? Everyone else runs away."
"Dear... Evil queens are just Princesses that never got saved."
"No, their grown up women who won't put you through the shit a Princess would."

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