Genevieve Bianchi

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Y/n's pov

A days weeks passed and it was nice to be normal, well I never thought I would ever say that! I love being powerful and important, but it is also quite nice to experience a sense of normality. It was nice to wake up everyday next to my boyfriend, to have little gossip sessions about a boy with your bestie and have the only thing to stress over is homework. Is this how normal people feel everyday, it must be so nice and quiet in there simple little heads of theirs.

"Y/n Riddle, please make your way to professor McGonaggles office immediately!" Filch screeched as he peered into the Slytherin common room. All of the other Slytherins ooohed and aaaahed as they hear this. Wondering if their future Dark Lady has murdered or maimed another student. I made my way to her office, ignoring the comments from the kids behind me.

I walked up to the woman's office, everything was dark and mahogany, oak and dark academia, but with a subtle feminine touch. Before I could knock the door swung open and there she was sat peacefully in her old leather chair. "Come in my dear." This lady liked me a lot more that the old Dumbledore, but if I'm being honest she liked most people. I was so shocked at first when I found out that such a sweet old lady could be such a menacing little fire cracker. She definitely inspires everyone here.

I stepped into the room wondering what I did wrong this time. "Professor if this is about the cigarettes in the astronomy tower I swear to god that it only happens now and then."
"Miss B- Miss Riddle, I wasn't actually aware of that but here comes another behaviour mark on your record."

Oh shit. She continued "I have been watching you, not in a creepy way and don't worry you are not in any trouble I just want to talk to you... I have noticed that you possess wand less magic am I right?"
"Yes Professor, but I am still not confident that I can control it."
"Y/n I also noticed that the other day you moved Miss Grangers books onto the ground with out even saying an incantation first."
"Yeah it kinda just happens when I want it to. But just a quick question how much spying do you do? Because if you're doing a Cullen then that's a little messed up."
"I only watch you in lessons so not to worry Miss Riddle, and what may I ask is a Cullen?"
"Oh its just a really good muggle movie, actually the main guy looks a little like Ce- you know what it's not the time... carry on Professor."

"Miss Riddle the only person to have known to use wand less magic without a spell is the great Merlin himself. So I tried to look for a blood connection. Your father was the heir to Slytherin and when you we're born you became the new heir. Your father is not related to the great Merlin though. And this is were I need your help my dear. I did a little research and little digging. Merlin married a young Italian woman named Vivianna Bianchi, and were said to have had a child. When Vivianna and Merlin died there was no news on what happened the baby."
"My mothers maiden name was Bianchi, but Professor I'm still really confused!"

"I knew it! Oh don't worry, dear, I will explain in a second. Your mother, Genevieve Bianchi, was the daughter of Vivianna and Merlin. Meaning that you are a direct descendant of Merlin, explaining why you naturally possess this kind of powerful magic." My mouth dropped open, Oh my god I'm the grand-daughter of fucking Merlin! How could my father never tell me about this?

"Y/n I would love it if you would join me in the room of requirement to see how much of Merlins magic you are able to perform."
"Yes Professor I would absolutely love that!"
"Your mother would have been so proud my dear. It's such a shame what happens to here."
"I miss her, even though I never even met her."
"You did meet her my dear, your mother was murdered when you were only two years old."
"No, she died in child birth, Professor."
"My dear, your mother was furious when she found out that your father gave you the Dark mark at age of two. She left your father and took you with her. The Dark Lord wouldn't let you go, you were his only legacy after all. Your parents battled, and your mother being the daughter of Merlin defeated him with ease. Voldermort, waited a few weeks to regain his strength and killed your mother with her back turned. He took you from her dying arms, and never told you the truth."

I apparated out of her office, I didn't intend to but it just happened.

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