Winter break

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Y/n's pov

The Yule ball was definitely and experience to say the least. But now it was time to head back to the Riddle castle for winter break. I waved goodbye to Pansy and Blaise, I kissed my boyfriend and apparated away. My father will be delighted to know that I don't hate Malfoy but he will kill me if he finds out I love him. I can kiss and fuck the boy but not say I love you... what the hell?!

I knocked on the door to the meeting room and I was greeted by hugs and cheers from my massive family. "Ahhh Y/n I have missed my daughter, I heard from Bellatrix that you posses wand less magic."
"Yes father, I also have news about the Potter boy."
"Go on, Princess,"
"Potter believes that there is only 8 horcuxes, as he is unaware that I am one myself. You shall get weaker during the batte father. But we will be there to stop him."

"Look at my daughter, how bright she is. Wand less magic and crucial information. I have never been this proud! We need more people to help you watch Harry... what about Draco? He is useless now Dumbledore is no longer a problem... maybe if he becomes a death eater he might become more motivated" 
"No!" I yelled, my mark is easy to hide so it doesn't bother me anymore but I don't want him to go through that pain. "Father if Draco becomes a death eater now I will never forgive you."

"Don't worry princess it was just a thought... may I ask why you are only now interested in the well being of the Malfoy boy?" Voldy asked
"He is my future husband, so I would rather he be mentally stable and hasn't been affected to much from your psychotic ways father."
I left the room and headed up to my wing, plonked onto my extra king bed, as stared at the ceiling. I got ready for bed and the voices were keeping me entertained, I swiftly fell asleep wishing that my boyfriend was laying next to me.

There was a knock on my door. It was now morning and I was a night person, so at this time of day I looked shit. When I shared a dorm with Draco I made sure that I was polished and pristine, at all times. They only person who has ever seen me look this fucked up was Bella. My hair sticking in every direction and my black eye bags making me look like a raccoon, I slowly began waddling towards the door. Before I opened the door I looked down at my dirty pjs, I wasn't wearing a bra and I looked like I had been a drug addict for 50 years. That would all change in an hour or so.

I opened the door to find Draco stood outside my room in a suit with a bunch of flowers at 7am. I slammed the door in his face. He can't see me like this... I'm a mess!
"Uhhhh, Y/n are you okay?"
"Can I come in?"
"Because I look like an electrified raccoon on crack."
"Well that was oddly specific...... Darling open the door, you always look beautiful okay."
"Okay Miss stubborn, I'll wait outside."

I was almost finished when he shouted "Y/n please let me in I have been sat on the fucking floor for about an hour and 45 minutes,"
"Only ten more minutes... I promise!"

I walked out of the room is a cute but stylish outfit, my hair and makeup was on point, I was all shaved and moisturised. "Darling you look stunning, I missed you." He said while kissing me on the cheek. Fuck he is the perfect boyfriend.
"I missed you too Dray... not to be rude but, why are you in my house?"
"My father is working with the Dark lord and he decided that since we're meant to be getting married in like a year, I'm spending winter break with you."

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