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Y /n's pov

I rushed through the school doors and headed into the hall, there were injured bodies everywhere. I don't care about the people, I need to know where Bella is.

"Bianchi, over here." McGonnagel called out. I spun around to see Bella in the corner of the room. I hurried towards her. "Anwir, lovie... you did it... I'm so proud of-"
"No no no no no this can't be happening!" I cried seeing the knife wound, bleeding uncontrollably.
"Y/n stay with me."

I snuggled closer to Bellatrix not caring about others at all, but just focusing on her in the last few moments. "Bella, how did this happen to you?" She stared at me lovingly. "Y/n I couldn't watch you stay in this state of depression any longer. I had my suspicions, so I had to find out."
"About what?"
"Voldemort couldn't do it... couldn't kill him."

I was confused... she must be taking some kind of nonsense. "Bella please don't leave, your like a mother to me. I can't loose anyone else."
"Y/n I love you with all of my heart, lovie. Don't let me die in vain." She choked up, "Anwir, your ring, Dracos at the place you would never go. He's at the home of the ashes."

Bella was gone, she spent her last few moments telling me something I don't understand. Bella was gone, I was holding her body, but I will not cry. Bella was gone, but at least she is with Genevieve.

I gently kissed her on the cheek, and stroked her untamed hair. I was covered in blood, I looked up at the people around me. I couldn't do this any longer.

I sprinted up to Astronomy tower an was pacing around the room my blood boiling. Even as a dead man Tom can hurt me, hurt the people I care for. I yelled out at the sky a scream of pure anger.

I ripped my pocket knife out of my boot and rested it against my forearm. I started to cut. Not to purposely harm my self, but do get rid of the devils mark of that was imprinted on to my skin. I hurriedly moved the knife up and down my skin, drawing new gashes and scars, blood was suddenly seeping out of my arm. I couldn't stop now. I just kept going... kept cutting. I wanted to keep going to take the blade closer to my wrist until there was no hope in bringing me back until the end was near. Pain is temporary but quitting is forever. Then everything was black.

"Queen Biachi?" Madame Pomfery called. Oh shit... first day of ruling and I was already in a hospital bed. This must look great, they might perceive me as being weak. I stared down at my bandaged arm. "Madame Pomfrey, that is so sweet of you for helping me, but I must be on my way."
"You must rest you need to hea-" I was gone, up into my dorm room I gathered my things.

It was ridiculous to have a queen still living at school, I have to go home. After I finished packing my belongings into my old suitcase I stared down at my arm. I unravelled the bandage revealing a scar that wrapped around my arm. It maybe ugly but it was worth it, I couldn't look at the dark mark every single day.

My mind kept drifting back to what Bellatrix said "Anwir, your ring, Dracos at the place you would never go. He's at the home of the ashes." Draco, my ring, places that I won't go, home of ashes? What does this all fucking mean?!

I pushed it out of my mind... for now

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