Confidence is key

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Y/n's pov

I was sat in the common room after the lessons were over, with Draco, Pansy and Blaise. Soon later Astoria, Daphne, Crabbe, Goyle, Marcus, Millicent, Terence and Evan walked in and plonked themselves down on another sofa. I glared from across the room, I notice something in her hand. Astoria was holding a crumpled piece of parchment. "Oh Y/n re you wondering what this is?" She gestured to the paper. "It's a early release copy of Ritas newsletter... its the first page."

I looked at her in disgust, no matter how many times I hit her, she always comes back with another way to piss me off! "Y/n Genevieve Bianchi-Riddle," She read "The feared student at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry is not as she seems, her love and hatred goes deeper than expected. Y/n murdered an innocent boy with no mercy yet the new Headmistress doesn't seem to care! What is going on at that school is a mystery to me. Riddle has fallen for the young Malfoy boy (his interview is page 14) their chemistry was oozing with love. Is it possible for two young dark souls of theirs to really be this madly in love. The future Dark Lady might not be so dark after all, young love blossoms and so does young souls. The Riddle-Malfoy sex life page is on number 73 for more detail on the lovers." I was mortified the whole world doesn't think of me as a powerful witch... they think of me as a horny teenage girl.
"Astoria if you don't shut your mouth, the next thing that will be coming out of it will be your teeth!"

My eyes shot black and I swiftly knocked Astoria back onto the sofa to shut her up. I needed to talk with Pansy, I grabbed her arm without a word and dragged her into the girls bathroom. "Y/n I'm going to be honest with you that was uhh, not what I was expecting the article to be about."
"I feel stupid. I should have just kept my mouth shut."
"Y/n everyone feels stupid at one point, you've jut got to think... who cares?!"
"Pans... do you feel stupid?"
"Yeah I did... but then I just chose not to feel stupid."
"I don't know if I can get to that point."
"Y/n 90% of life is confidence and the thing bout confidence is that nobody knows if it is real or not." She purred.

"Riddle, you either walk like the king or you walk like you don't give a shit about who the king is!"She laughed attempting to lighten my storm cloud mood. Pans and I were having a deep conversation it the girls bathroom... why does that not surprise me?
"Y/n you may not think this... but deep down you are a good person."
"Oh no, I've tricked you too."

I went back to the common room and nobody was there, so I decided to head up to bed. I searched the room but there was no sign of Draco, I'm sure that I will see him in the morning... maybe he is having a boys night with Blaise? I closed my eyes and pictured him next to me, imagining the scenarios that have not yet happened. Planning out every second perfectly, making sure not to miss a detail. I thought of what he would whisper to me as his long, cold arms were wrapped around my body in a tight embrace. I thought of his breathing pattern and his heart beat, strumming against my ear, that would speed up every time that I pulled him closer. I imagined his responses to my mini debates in my head, and how he would look at me like I am crazy! It was weird how the only way that I could go to sleep was to reminisce things that didn't happen. I slowly drifted to sleep.

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