Father knows best

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Y/n's pov

"Every body leave now!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was furious. My father killed my mother and lied to me my whole life. I bet he didn't even feel a twang of guilt. "I SAID NOW!" I ordered. All of the death eaters apparated away leavening me and him.

"What is troubling you, Anwir?"
"You Tom, you are troubling me."
"Tone, princess!"
"I'm not your fucking princess! How could? How could you lie to me? Sure you lie to everyone and so do I. Every time I think that I have you all worked out, that wasn't true and I still have to find out who the real you is. You lie everyday, that I think for you it is just your normality. Your used to brushing people aside, but I'm your daughter and the grand-daughter of Merlin. I shall not be pushed aside by you no more. Tell me the truth."
"Ahh so you know, the rumours are all true, I killed my Genevieve and I have to bear that cross every day. She was going to take away the most powerful weapon I had."

"So that's what I am now is it? A weapon that nobody can defeat! I'm just a tool in your tool box. I might be your daughter by blood but admit it you have never cared for me... you have never cared for anyone. Don't make me hurt you. Don't make me an enemy father."

"You are right, you are a weapon and weapons don't weep. Love towards anyone is weakness and I have no weakness. I have given you everything you could ever wish for! You are powerful, rich and beautiful. I gave you that, I have tended to every wound, every need. I do not love you. If I found out that you weren't my own blood I would leave you in a heart beat, disown you in a second. I do not love you. I do not love anyone. You are the girl who will destroy armies, I cannot have you in this state of mind. You are the heir of Slytherin, Merlins only living blood line and the future Dark Lady. With your talents you are the ultimate weapon, soldier, fighter. I have trained you to rule the wizarding word Y/n, I have trained you to be your own Queen... don't let me down, princess."

"And why would I listen to you Tom? You have done despicable things to the people under your so called protection. Why should I give a shit about making you happy? You killed my mother with her back turned, while she was trying to protect me from you. You are a coward. You have lied to me my entire life about who I am, Lord Voldemort is scared that his own daughter is more powerful than him. He is that shit scared that he convinced her, her whole life that she  was only capable of doing the bare minimum. Voldy is scared of his own daughters power. How sweet. Oh don't worry Tom... there's more. I asked you to leave Draco be, to leave my fiancé alone. I asked you not to include him in your death eater schemes. The only person in the word that has ever said that they love me, you tried to change. With the dark mark you imprinted on him, you are all ways trying to find a way to make him evil like you. I love Draco and I will not let you harm him!"

"Oh Y/n I am so disappointed in you. You love Draco supposedly, pathetic. I can't let this continue daughter. If you do not rid yourself of him soon I will end him."

"How can you talk to me like this, I thought you and I were a family?"
"Anwir, I needed a soldier and you needed a father."
"Well I guess we are both disappointed."

I couldn't take this any longer, my my blood was boiling and I was seeing in red, I want his blood to spill. I want to destroy him, to get in his head, I think I'm coming unscrewed. Anger. I wasn't ready yet, I need training. Professor McGonaggle is going to train me how to control my powers. I will win this battle, father.

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