Chapter 26: Kill the Messenger

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Voice cast:

Yuri Lowenthal as Ben Tennyson
Molly Searcy as Akame
Christine Auten as Esdeath
David Matranga as Wave
Juliet Simmons as Kurome
Kira Vincent-Davis as Seryu Ubiquitous

Akame and Ben spent the afternoon with each other getting to know one another. It was transformative, educative, but transitional period through Akame's former fears of the young green changeling. Her previous doubts nearly faded away as they chased each other through the majestic, halcyon valley with Mt. Fake guarding all of God's beauty. Ben, who had never had a break in his world enjoyed spending some time away with the red assassin.

Ben tackled her down pinning her to the ground only for Akame to push him away, throwing him a few inches off the ground. Though he had to admit, she was far stronger than he realized. Though she had a slim frame, she had a strength of 5 men, something to which Ben admired about the assassin.

The pair laid together by the short, narrow stream flowing to the thick woods at the end. Akame, though her doubts had drowned into obscurity, was still curious about the young man. Here was a guy with the power to transform into anything and yet does absolutely nothing with it. She was not sure what else could be lurking inside the watch. Something unpredictable? Godlike? She was not sure. The questions she had were not of fear or malice, but of innocent curiosity.

"You know where I came from, I would play a game called tag with my friends," Ben said.

Akame turned her head to her friend, "You have friends?"

"Well yeah!" Ben said, "Kevin, Gwen, Alan, Daniel, everyone!"

"And family?" Akame asked.

Ben sighed, reflecting, "Yeah."

"Something bad happened to them did they?" Akame asked worried, "It's..."

Ben's eyes shot open, "Oh no, no, no!" Ben said, "Nothing bad happened to them!"

Akame arched her brow.

"I'm serious, it's...I'm a long mile away. Here I am in a world where justice is all but extinct. And I'm all alone here. I don't know much about Imperial Arms, this Empire, or anything. It's sad to know that you are the only nut to fall from the tree, only to find out that you won't grow. I miss them," Ben said, tearing up a little bit, "At this point, I don't know when or how I would be able to get back home."

Akame snickered, "At least you have yours," she began.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked, "Your..."

"The people at the Base are my surrogate family," she said, "They act as my family and they are - but biologically speaking..."

"They're not your family," Ben finished, "So where is your family?"

"I don't know. My Mom and Dad sold us off to fight for the Empire. My sister, Kurome and I would train in brutal conditions just to stay alive. We were bred to stop rebellions before they began," Akame admitted.

Ben's attention grew as Akame continued. Never in his life had he met a person with a rough childhood that could top Kevin's. Akame's was far worse than what Kevin had to go through. And that was saying a lot. Akame slowed down her story as she began to realize how angry Ben was getting.

"So they did all of this to the both of you?" Ben asked, trying his hardest to hide his anger.

Akame shamefully nodded.

"Those bastards," Ben said, "That's just evil! I've faced evil before, but this...this is just unbelievable!"

"That's why I was afraid of you," Akame said, "If the Empire got wind of or got knowledge of your existence, I have no doubt that they would try to find you and use you for their own gain - or worse kill you and get the watch.'

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