As Hunter opened the door, the men released me, stepping to stand behind me.

They most likely wanted to be sure I wouldn't run away. As if I could...I thought to myself snidely.

Releasing the door, Hunter turned to look at me.

"This is your next task. Let me explain it clearly so even someone like you can understand." Hunter began. I scowled at his clear insult, tucking my hands into my pockets.

I let out a sigh of relief when my fingers brushed against the sleek bottle of pepper spray. I wrapped my hand around it, resting my thumb on the trigger, waiting.

"We can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Your pick Miss Hawaii." Hunter said, crossing his arms across his belly. His challenging eyes met mine full and I knew no matter what choice I picked, it would end up being the hard way.

I scoffed. "What's the easy way?" I asked, not wanting to play into his game. Not yet at least.

Hunter explained, "Subject 0017 refuses to show us how it escaped our facility. However, we discovered wet footprints the night it vanished, and we are convinced the subject can shift between a tail and legs at will."

I blinked. Subject 0017? Is that what they call the creature?

"Unfortunately, it refuses to show us this transformation no matter what we do. It needs motivation. And you have yet to fail us Miss Ono." Hunter continued, shooting me a meaningful look.

I let out a humorous laugh. "So what, you want me to walk in there and ask nicely?" I spat, sarcasm lacing my voice.

Hunter grinned, "The easy way or the hard way Miss Hawaii."

I huffed, glancing at the door to the tank behind Hunter before carefully taking a step forward. Hunter's grin widened at my action, happy with my sudden cooperation. But unbeknownst to him, as I moved closer, I tightened my grip on the pepper spray, ready to aim. I took another step closer until Hunter was just an arm's length away.

Now was my chance.

Gripping the pepper spray, I quickly pulled it out of my pocket and aimed right at Hunter's face. Hunter's eyes widened in response and his mouth gaped, just then I pressed down on the trigger, spraying into his eyes and mouth.

"Agh!" Hunter cried out, covering his eyes and falling backward, slamming his back against the tank wall.

As he fell, I reached over, yanking his access badge off his neck and stepping aside. Just in time to dodge the men that tried to grab me.

"Help me!" Hunter gasped, causing the men to turn their focus from me to Hunter. It was the perfect opportunity. I had Hunter's access badge, the men were distracted.

I could run. I could escape.

Just then I looked back into the tank, and my eyes met those of the creature. Most likely disturbed by all the screaming, the creature's head was now up and his iridescent blue eyes were staring directly into mine. I watched his eyes widen with recognition and I froze.

I wanted to run, to escape...but how could I just leave him here?

Just as I was about to run into the tank, a hand reached out and grabbed me by the arm, stopping me. I tried to pull free, but it was useless. Before I knew it the men had regained their grip on me, and my window of opportunity was closed.

Hunter was standing now, unsteadily leaning against the wall of the tank. His eyes were painfully red and swollen, and they watered profusely.

My lips quirked up.

Noticing my smile, Hunter pushed off the tank wall and stalked up to me. I closed my eyes as he raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face. My cheek stung, but I didn't lose my smile. Seeing his pain gave me the most joy I have had in a while.

"The hard way it is." Hunter growled out, and with his cue, the men moved, dragging me past him and into the tank.

My eyes scanned the new area in shock and horror. Lining the walls of the tank were sets of chains of all kinds mounted to the walls. Some of them looked used, if the dried stains of a dark liquid were any indication. This place resembled more of a torture chamber than a tank.

Like on the walls, in the center of the tank was a set of chains attached to the floor. The men led me there, and forced me down onto my knees, using the metal cuffs to chain my legs to the floor.

Once chained, the men searched me until they found my phone and car keys, taking them from me.

"Hey, give that back!" I demanded, but they ignored me.

Without even a glance, they walked off and I listened to their footsteps get further until I heard the tank door close. Now I was left alone to look at the creature tied only a few yards away from me on the far end of the tank. My heart sank at the sight.

This was the first time I had ever seen the creature completely illuminated under the light. His face, though human-like, was clearly something else too. He had a sharp nose and jawline that was too unnatural to be human, and in combination with his pale skin, luminous blue eyes, and striking white hair, he was far from human.

The creature's hands were tied far above his head, with his tail sprawled in front of him. The creature followed my gaze with dull eyes, and by the way he could barely seem to keep his head up, he was exhausted.

Glancing down his body, I saw numerous lacerations and marks across his arms and broad chest. Most notable were the needle marks and bruising in the crook of each elbow. I also noticed that his chest, like his neck, had lines of gills along his rib cage. I watched in a mix of awe and curiosity as the slits of skin widened and closed with each labored breath he took.

I let my eyes trail down the deep grooves and ridges of his muscled chest to the deep v of his pelvis down to his tail. His once beautiful blue sparkling scales were now a dull cloudy color, and looked painfully dry and cracked with a dark blue liquid, similar to what coated a few other chains in the room.

The creature barely moved. He stayed slumped against the wall of the tank, and his breathing was labored. He looked weak, tired, and even afraid.

I opened my mouth to speak but I couldn't find the right words. I didn't know what I should say. That I was sorry? That I was so incredibly stupid and that somehow I promise to make it right?

Before I could speak, a sound like a faucet turning on sounded from above us. I looked up just in time to receive a face full of water.

Looking away, I spluttered and coughed, my throat burning from the invasion of water. I wiped the water from my eyes and glanced around. All around me water poured down from the ceiling of the tank like heavy rain.

Within seconds water began pooling around my legs, and I stood up, watching the water continue to rise inch by inch.

Glancing back, I noticed that Hunter and his men were gone.

I began pulling the chains that locked my ankles to the floor, but it was useless. I could do nothing but watch the water rise, inch by inch.

Species Unknown [Book 2: Pisces)Where stories live. Discover now