Chapter 29 the beginning of a secret affair

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Khalil's Pov

We were facing each other both panting from the fight we just had ''I won't lie you have gotten better over the years'' He smirked at my comment ''But I must ask why did you go MIA on Ria and the guys?''

''It's just the fact that when you left everyone got caught up in their own lives, there were barely any events going on, or any of us hanging out when it's not mafia related. So when I heard about the dinner Cole held at one of his safe houses I was a little surprised but when I found out you were there I wasn't surprised anymore''

 ''Ah, so tell me when I left have you seen any changes within Cole's personality or attitude towards work?'' I asked as I retained all the information he told me.

''Well I haven't seen him trained at all''

Wait, What?

''You're telling me from the time I've been gone you haven't seen Cole train?!!'' 

He nods ''Yeah, I found it so strange along with many others and that made them start to question his strength but it didn't last very long'' 

''What do you mean by that?'' I said knowing what he was about to say wasn't going to be good because one thing Cole hates is when his strength is being questioned.

''Some time ago when Cole was walking with Luke and John through the territory doing their daily check up they went to the training area it was their second stop to check, when they entered two people were practicing, So one of them spot Cole and thought it was okay to call him out in front of half of my- I mean his men so Cole walked to him face neutral as ever''

I listened intentively as he talked.

''He said to Cole as he walked to him why are we here, slaving working hard, training to be this strong, elite mafia, you want but we never see you train, how do we know you're even strong enough to run and protect this map-''

''Cole stopped him right there with a smash to the face, it was a punch but it was so forceful I had to call it that and the aftermath was not pretty. We didn't get to see him after that because Luke made everyone leave, but to tell you the truth I believe he died from that hit''

My eyes widened the last time I remembered Cole being that angry was when Maddox had kissed Ria.

''I'll let you know what you believe is true because that's not the first time Cole has killed someone with a punch'' I said sitting on the bench, he looks at me obviously curious as to when this happened before.

''A while back Cole killed a guy by punching his face repeatedly I know that of course, someone will die if they are hit multiple times in the head but his guy was dead on the first hit yet Cole still went on even though blood was splattering everywhere'' I said looking at him, if he was only slightly scared of Cole I bet he's ten times more now and it shows on his face.

''Wow, I knew that he was strong but damn, I thought Luke would be on his level but he's not even close neither John !!''

''Yup and that's why I want him to train me and not Luke but he refuses to'' I said as he sits on the side of me

''Enough Cole talk, how's life been treating you, what's been going on with you, tell your old student everything" he gives me a genuine smile which makes me give him a short smile, and starts to talk

''Well after Cole trained me for one year, I left and got an apartment, did a few missions, fast forward met someone at first I thought he was a stalker or an enemy gang member, but he really did have to go to the same places as me but our relationship has been so rocky I don't know what to think sometimes. I think it's me but he actually really be getting weird out of nowhere and starts acting funny about little things'' I let out an exasperated breath

''You know you could always break up with him if he is making you unhappy'' Unhappy? is he making me feel that way?

''I guess you might be right'' I sighed dropping my head sideways on his shoulder.

''That's what friends are for, by the way, you talk about him, seems like he takes a lot of energy out of you and not in a good way'' Carl whispers turning his head slightly towards me.

We were currently inside his front room having a few drinks.

''You know I always had a feeling you were into guys back then because of the way you looked at grey"

"Was I that obvious?" I mumbled

"Yeah you were" he said staring down at my lips

I don't know what happened to me but I unconsciously leaned forward inching closer to his face when he brought his whole head to meet me halfway and smashed his lips onto mine

Were fighting for dominance back and forth when I won, biting his lips we kissed until we were in his room with both our clothes off


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