Chapter 14 Dinner with the blacks/telling it all

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Khalil's Pov

We were standing outside his family door. I was wearing a green shirt with black ripped jeans.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine, so stop running your hands through your hair" Cass said holding my hand

I hadn't realize I was doing that until he told me

Sighing, I breathe in and out, he knocked when he had seen that I was calm.

"They'll love you" he murmurs into my neck

I nodded slowly

The door open revealing a middle aged women, when she saw Cass her eyes pop "Oh my gosh son I've missed you it's been two months since you last visit me and you wouldn't tell me where you live"

"I'm sorry mum I've been really busy" he says pulling her into a hug then rolling his eyes

"Who is this?" She asks pulling away looking at me

"I'm Khalil"

"You brought a friend!"

"Oh my gosh why didn't you say something before Cass" she scolded him

"I-" he starts and gets cut off

"Come inside please do" she says widening the door for me to come through


I looked at Cass in shock after his mother outburst. He looks at me then laughs

Once the door is closed behind us he led me to the table, when we got there his mother was already sitting there with the food on the table ready to be taken up. In less than a minute a middle age man came in along with someone who I've been meaning to have a conversation with.

I watched as he froze when he sees me sitting there. Cass watched our interaction but he knew I felt nothing for Grey.

Grey sat there and observed me.

Grey's Pov

I observed all his features, he's more grown than before. I wonder if he's still the same person he was back then.

"So Son please tell us about yourself, this is the first time Cass has brought anyone here" My mom said as my dad listened and ate.

And she's right Cass never brought no one ever.

Now that I think about it. How does my little brother know him? And when since Khalil has friends? He's more of a associate person. I want to know if he's still in contact with Cole because the only reason they were talking to each other was for the war and it was really Ria who he trusted to talked with.

"Well there's not really much to tell" He lets out a short chuckle showing his beautiful teeth.

God I forgot how fine he was

I hadn't realized I was staring when I felt a foot kicked me under the table, I looked around trying to find the culprit when my eyes met Cass.

I playfully wiggle my eyes at him, grinning a little but he wasn't so I looked away and start eating my food.

"I moved here like 4 years ago I think and now I'm gonna start my own business but I needed a building to buy and that's how I met Cass" he nods his head towards him at the end.

"Wow that's wonderful I'm glad Cass has a friend like you in his life" my dad said and my mom nodded in agreement, making Cass grin.

I raised an eyebrow at him for his weird behavior, but he just looks at me saying nothing.

"Ah so he made an appointment to talk about buying a building" I said out loud using this as an excuse to get to talk to him alone.

"Oh really, you're interested in one of Grey's buildings?" Mum asks

"Yeah he was trying to get to his appointment to talk with Grey but his unprofessionalism caused K got sexual harassed" Cass glared

What the fuck is his problem?

And did he just call Khalil K?

I looked at Khalil expecting him to get mad and riled up for Cass giving him a nickname but he didn't instead he just winked at him

Okay what the actual hell is going on? This is not the same guy I met a few years ago. This guys is more calm, collective and smiling alot.  

The Khalil I knew was a hot head

I abruptly stand up "Follow me Khalil, let's talk about the building you want now before I'm busy again"

He got up

"I'll come too" Cass says

"No, it's business Finish have dinner with mum and dad because only God knows when you'll be back here again" With that I left with Khalil following me behind.

We walked upstairs until we reached the balcony, once he's in I closed the door behind us. Good thing our balcony wasn't a glass door so you can't see through it.

"It's good to see yo-"

"Where have you been?" He asked flopping back on a chair

"Can't you tell I've been cruising" I said flexing my muscles

"Look I'm not here for jokes alright if I wanted to hear one I would've stayed with Cass downstairs, now talk or I'm leaving"

"I had things to do okay, if you really want to know what happened I'll tell you. It was a week after Ria had her new baby. I went to my room and saw a not it was quite simple it said we have Merlia meet me two block into the wood after that with no hesitation I ran there, I mean come on it's Cole and Ria's baby" I sat down

Khalil's Pov

I was shock

I hadn't even known that Cole newborn was kidnapped.

"So I did what they said and met them two blocks into the woods when I got to there a cabin was there but the person who was behind it shown there face, it was Maddox" I watched his facial expression he wasn't done talking just yet

"And Ryan"

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