Chapter 1

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Where the hell is this guy he's supposed to be here an hour ago!

Tapping my foot repeatedly against the ground he walks in smiling

"Take that smile off your face, you were supposed to be here an hour ago!" I exclaim

He raises his hands up "In my defense, I did say I was gonna be late"

"Yeah five minutes late not a fucking hour" I glared following him

''Well I had important things to do''  he says simply

''Oh so you're trying to tell me this isn't important'' I said

''Yes this is I just got caught up, now quit with the talking it's getting annoying'' he said opening the door.

when the doors open everyone bowed to him as if he were some king, but when you're strong and powerful like he is you wouldn't be surprised

Sitting down in the tall high reserved chair for him he sat down and I sat beside him.

''Welcome sir, we hope this meeting will be of great use to you and Mr. Abdul'' The person said to us

''Psst hey Khalil did you hear him'' he snorts elbowing me.

''I swear Cole I wonder sometimes how you even became this strong you act like a child'' I mumbled elbowing him back. I don't take last

he rolled his eye ''And you call me childish''

''Yeah yeah whatever, now leave me to focus''

After the meeting was over we all said our goodbyes and started to head home

''Alright, this is me I'll see you Christmas time Khalil'' with that he sped off leaving me

I let my driver take me downtown where they have empty properties.

After looking around I found the perfect spot there was this huge building, I was asking around and they said the owner doesn't live around here.

"How the hell am I supposed to reach him if he didn't leave a number or something" I sighed

"I heard you're looking for the owner" I heard a voice behind me

"Yeah and who are you?" I narrowed my eyes turning around

"Just someone who happens to have the information you're looking for" he smiles

I raised a brow at him making him sigh
"look take this card, there's an address on it, go there and you'll find who you're looking for just ask for the boss"

Walking to him I say "Is this person a mafia boss?" I was curious

"Not exactly, he is affiliated with them though meaning he has hookups" he said looking at the building then me

I nodded
"Might I ask why are you looking into this building?" He asks

"Yes you can ask, and no you may not know" I smirked walking away

"It's okay I'm sure you'll tell me one day, willingly" he smiles

Hey guys!!!! How was this chapter I knew it was short but I had to start this book it's been too long

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