Chapter 17 Fight for me

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Khalil's Pov

Later on, that night Cass left, It's like ever since that day with me and Grey things have been awkward, tense, and a lot of questioning, It's as if he doesn't trust me anymore.

He left because he wanted to know who that guy was last night, and of course, I didn't tell him it was Cole, luckily his back was turned so he couldn't see his face. He didn't believe the story I told him about that just being one of my friends coming for dinner because he says I don't invite people to my home, which is true but he doesn't have to be all detective about it.

Now this morning I'm drinking some tea since I'm too lazy right now, and my flight is for tonight so I'm not working myself hard today.

I know I have deep feelings for Cass but I want to know more about him I feel like I'm an answer sheet to him but to me, he's a quiz about a topic I haven't even learned yet.

Knock Knock''

''Is it Cass or is it.....Cole?'' I muttered getting up and going to the door

I opened it to see some random buff man. ''This is for you, Cole sent it'' he handed me a bag and left. I shut my door.

I opened the duffel bag and there was a lot of cash and guns in there and a card. It was a black card.

I looked confused at it. Is this actually his card. whole the fuck on what if he accidentally dropped it in my bag!!

I ran to my couch quickly picking up my phone to call him, it rang four times before he picked up ''Yes?''he answered

"I see you sent some cash, well not some, lots, along with guns I think you drop your card in the bag by mistake''

he chuckles ''I don't make mistakes, I left it for you to use''

''Oh''I smiled

I was too busy listening to him to hear my front door open.

''So tonight John will go with you for back up and sup-''

''Man why him of all people, he acts like he's the boss of me'' I whined cutting him off

''You guys will be working together because you're going into someone else's territory not mine so you will be going in blind now listen''

I put him on speaker ''Fine but if John starts to get all bossy and annoying I'm leaving him and going solo'' I said to him plopping a grape in my mouth

"You both will have stay at a motel and I know a guy who can take y'all in if anything goes south" he said yawning, I heard him.

"Fine but Cole let him know I'm in charge of this mission he's only coming to help other than that he listens to me" I said putting water in the tea kettle so I can make more tea.

"Sure I have no problem with that, but whatever happens you you tell me, you keep me inform of everything got it?" He demands

"Yes sir" I sighed

"By the way who's the guy that came over the other day when I was there?" I could picture the smirk on his face.

"Douche" I mumbled

"What was that?" He laughs

"Nothing, how melody doing?" I asked going through my cupboard looking for the tea bags.

Once I got it I took the pitcher out to make a big amount of tea. It's never too hot for tea.

"She's right here, Melly, Khalil is on the phone"

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