Chapter 6 bring them to me

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Khalil's Pov

I sat in my bed looking at the roof, the images replaying in my head

"Khalil are you okay?" I heard Cass spoke

"Yeah I'm fine" I said still looking at the roof

I heard movement

Maybe he's leaving is what I thought but I felt the bed sank on the side of me

"What are you doing on my bed?" I questioned not moving my eyes from the roof

"Oh come on you just went through a traumatic event you need me here" Hey says hitting my shoulders

"That's not the first time a girl tried to drug me and sleep with me I mean look at me, but what's really on my mind is how the hell do you know how to move like?"

"What do you mean"  he stands up walking to the door

I got up as well "how did you learn to fight? Who taught you your moves?" I asked walking behind him

"Look I don't know what you're talking about anyone could grab someone by the throat" he says facing the door but not moving

I walked towards him until I'm standing right behind him, I leaned towards his ears "true, you don't have to tell me now. I know you'll eventually tell me yourself but until then leave and stay away from my house"

I backed away and he left without a word

Now it's time I get in contact with Cole

Walking over to my phone I dialed his number on the third ring he answers

"Yes, Khalil?"

"Um-" he cuts me off

"You know what today is right?" He questioned

"Um yes but-"

"Exactly it's the 21st of February one of my busiest days I have meetings with too many mafia leaders ever since I've publicly shown myself they want to meet me"

"And you don't have to tell me that you didn't get the building I know you didn't get it because you get distracted too fast, you get comfortable when you think things are going your way"

I sighed and told him what happened today

"You let your fucking guard down again!" He exclaims

"I didn't know she was bat shit crazy" I defended myself

"You aren't learning from your mistakes it's like I've taught you nothing"

"I know but you can't just take away everything from me, train me for one year and expect me to be you"

"Okay look here Khalil I'm not one of your lackeys you won't talk to me how you want I'm not going to accept that. I told you in order to become strong the way I am you have to be smart, you have to be independent you can't always expect someone to come to your rescue there will be a time when I'm not able to help you so you will have to fight your own battles, you have to fight for what you want and take charge because if you can't show that if you want your life back you'll have to go to war with me"

My heart began beating fast. If I don't prove myself to him I'm gonna lose everything I worked hard to get

"N-no you can't do that" I exclaim

"Oh really?" He mocks before I can reply he says

"New task, your job is to bring back the old Khalil to me, the one who I respected at one point not this lame, soft guy who can't even complete one mission by himself" I can hear the disgust in his voice

"But I am strong, I just need one more year of your traini-" he cuts me off with a snarl

"That's it! I have one thing for you to do if you can't do it then you might as well lose this number"

I nod "Okay what do you want me to do?"

"Bring me Ryan and Maddox, alive I don't care who helps you just bring them to me" with that he hangs up

But why wouldn't I bring Ryan alive?

Why does he need to see Ryan and why the hell does he want to talk with Maddox of all people

None of us has seen Ryan in years he just randomly disappeared I don't know why though.

But this is Cole he always has a reason it's time I stop questioning him and do what I'm told to prove myself.

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