Chapter 24 the safehouse

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Khalil's Pov

We walked side by side through the hallway I wasn't particularly familiar with this safe house so I was following him

"He seems nice" Cole stated

"Yeah he is, but things are a little edgy right now" I mumbled running a hand through my hair.

"So you know that you're going into training right?" He questioned

"Yeah I know, I do need it" I replied

"I'll have Luke train you and don't bother asking me to pick someone else because he's good at his job" Cole said already knowing I'm about to complain about that.

"Fine, but what do you mean you were going train both of us when you first came out the car" I asked

"I'm going to have Luke train Cass as well" he answered

"But he's fine, he's an amazing fighter and he can hold his own"

"Hold his own you say? there's a time when you'll need to be able to defend yourself when you're alone but also you'll need to know how to protect people that are with you if anything happens, like tonight I watched his fighting skills he's not really good at fighting for two which in my book means he's a horrible fighter, John can take him down easily in my opinion"

I listened to what he had to say and then spoke "But that's what type of fighter he is, he's an assassin Cole I don't expect him to know how to fight in a group or a pair. It was completely not surprising at all" I said defending Cass

Cole turns and looks at me with a raised eyebrow

"Uh sorry I just think he's not all that bad" I mumbled

But he doesn't answer me. We walk until we reached his office, in case you don't know Cole has an office in every safe house. I closed the door and he begins to talk

"So you've been to Mexico and gathered no data? Then you came back, was followed, and got ambushed" I looked at Cole's face as every word leaves his mouth.

"Yes that is true" I nodded

"Okay" he took out some papers and began doing work as I looked around the room

"So, do you have a plan on how to catch them?" I asked looking at the roof then at him.

"Nah, I don't have the time" he said yawning, I was looking at him, I mean actually looking at him he looked tired like really tired.

"How are you?" I came sitting down in front of him concerned

"I'm just exhausted, I've been trying to give Ria a break from watching our daughters and still making sure the mafia is in order. We could let them go by our parents but we want to spend as much time with her before she becomes the age whereas I send her off for training/boarding school" he says signing a paper

Wow I didn't know he was going to send one of his daughters off for a while but I'm guessing with everything that's going on he'll send both of his kids off, but Melody is most likely to go to California for a while until this blows over.

That's probably why he's always putting the pressure on me for things and never able to answer the phone all the time, and whiles he's slaving himself I'm out here not being able to complete a fucking simple mission

"What do you need me to do Cole?" I just wanted to help with anything and I'll do it

He puts his pen down and looks at me "Get stronger Khalil, I have something for you but you can't get it until I'm sure you handle it but I know you can get there"

I nodded "I will get stronger Cole and I'll be an amazing asset for your mafia"

He gives me a tight smile "Yeah, the mafia, and training starts tomorrow at 6:00am for both you and Cass" he stands up

"I like him, he's good for you" he smirks then walks out.

Alright 6am I'll be here for training, wait did he ever say here??!

"Cole wait!" I ran behind him

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