Chapter 7 info

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I was on a hunt for Ryan and Maddox I have no reason why but if it's what will make Cole think I'm worthy then I'll do it and besides I want to know what the strongest mafia leader wants with them.

And I want to know why Ryan went MIA and when anyone asked about it Cole and Ria dodged the question so maybe now I will get some answers of my own before I hand them over to Cole.

Sighing I went into the club looking sharp as ever I walked through the crowd as I walk they were making a path for me.

Finally reaching the VIP section I notice a security guard there blocking the entrance.

"Everyone on the list is here, so who the hell are you?" He said, instantly I realized he was in a gang because of the tattoo on his arm

''Quinton invited me'' I said trying to avoid problems so attention won't come on me.

Are you sure about that?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm sure" he lets me in where there are four gentlemen sitting down

They all went quite when I came through. I had a seat before all of them "who is this?" Somebody said holding their gun

All of them looking at me warily "Guys cool if I invited him this is Khalil Abdul" all of them stand up in shock, yep this always happens because they know I'm associated with Cole, they think that I work with him when in all actually he treats me like any regular person in his gang

"Woah nice to meet you" they gave me a handshake and Quinton gave me a bro hug

Once we all sat Quinton spoke up "okay let's get to the chase now I know you didn't want to meet up with me to hang right or was I mistaken"

"No, you're right I need some information on someone" I said as a lady came and brought drinks, taking a glass I chugged it down. I've been stressed this whole month I really need to get laid.

"About who?" He asked sipping his drink as well

I didn't answer

I looked at all the men he had around him not knowing if I wanted them to hear anything because I rather have Maddox and Ryan not knowing I'm coming after them.

He noticed me looking at them "it's fine they won't say anything if anything they might know something I don't"

"Alright I need some information on Maddox and Ryan" I said low.

I watched his eye slightly widen at Ryan's name

His men said nothing, they were silent again which bothered me. They knew something they all knew something!

"I'll tell you what I know because if you're looking for him that means the mafia of the U.S. wants him a.k.a Cole" he smirks then chugged his drink down

I rolled my eyes "What can I say that was some big reveal" he says jokingly

"Think he knows about Cole being the leader?" I asked curiously

He snorts "Of course he does, anyone who doesn't know Cole is the leader means they're not in a high level or have any connections"

I nod

"Now back to Maddox, it's been said after he fled the U.S. he went back to his country so if you're even trying to get to him you're supposed to be in the UK. Furthermore I know someone who is after him as well. My boss so if you happens to get a lead on him I'll be grateful if you reach out to me" he said as I process what he's saying

"About that Ryan guy if you find him you'll find Maddox" one of the guys said

"Yeah about that Ryan guy were only tracking Maddox to find him because they're always together so if you do see him, tie him down to a bridge, hell tie him down in your basement but before you take Ryan to Cole my boss wants a piece of him first do we have a deal?" He says looking me dead in my eye.

I nod

He smirks "Great" he takes a paper and writes some stuff down then slides it to me on the table.

"Look at the paper memorize it, those are location when he is currently always active, yes we have eyes on him but they're not always able to keep eyes on him. The son of a bitch always finds a way to disappear, but we do not engage because we need to know if Ryan is there as well" he says

"Okay thanks" I said about to get up when he spoke

"Tell me Khalil, why is Cole interested in them? More importantly why does he never goes after his targets himself" Quinton says picking up another drink looking at me

Sighing I stand up "Isn't it obvious it's the same reason why your boss won't go after Ryan himself, he doesn't have the self control. he'll kill him the minute he sees him and it won't be so pretty" I walked out.

Hehe next chapter will be better I promise and it's going to get a bit deep so please listen up for that notification and I know everyone is missing a certain character *wink wink* 😉 you'll see him soon and don't forget to vote!!!!!!!!!

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