Chapter 33

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"Shawn," Camila whimpered, throwing her head back as he rolled his hips and sent another wave of pleasure cruising through her body, her own hips trying to keep in rhythm with his as she straddled him, her knees squeezing his sides every time he entered her at a different angle.

He let out a loud grunt as she leant forward to join their lips and his hand trailed down her back, dipping beneath the crisp, white bedsheets as he grabbed her ass, making her moan into his mouth.

"Shhh," She managed to get out before her eyes slammed shut again, the pleasure building in the bottom of her stomach.

"We're fine," He breathed out, using the last of his energy to flip them over before he gripped her thighs as he started thrusting into her again.

She let out a smile, relaxing against the pillows as she came around him and enjoying the comfort of a bed again. For the past two weeks they had been staying in Hostels and Bed and Breakfast's as they made their way around Europe, but for London they decided to spring for a fancy hotel and she was definitely glad they did now as they made the most of their alone time in the king sized bed.

He let out a final groan as he followed her, finishing deep inside and pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth. A lazy grin spread across her lips as he collapsed on top of her and she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, his hands still firmly gripping her thighs.

"I missed that," He grinned back at her as she ran her fingers through his short hair.

"Missed what?" She frowned slightly, in confusion.

"Your dimples when you smile like that." He murmured, pressing his lips to the hollow holes in her cheeks as he leant up on his forearm and pulled himself out of her, rolling onto his side.

"You've had them back for a while now." She gave him a soft smile as she curled into his body, stroking his cheek as he let out a deep sigh.

His arm wrapped around her back as their feet tangled with the white sheets and he drew soft patterns on her bare skin with his thumb. He couldn't help it as his mind wandered back to a time when they weren't together, when they weren't a family. It felt like so long ago now, like they had always been this happy little family with Scarlett, but in reality all they had to do was jump back a few months and everything was different. Jump back a year, Camila was still engaged and Scarlett had no idea about her daddy.

"Shit," He muttered, his hand reaching up to rub his eyes as he let out a frustrated breath.

Camila let out a long breath too as she lay her head on his chest. She knew how angry he still was at the whole situation and how much regret he had; she had it too, but somehow she was managing to channel her regret into making things better for them now. "You didn't know Shawn." She pressed her lips to his bare shoulder, feeling his temper rising from underneath her.

"Exactly." He grumbled. "I went five years without knowing I had a daughter, five years of you struggling to bring her up on your own while trying to start your career."

"Stop." Camila interrupted him, sitting up as her eyes welled with tears at all the memories that came flooding back. "I hate it okay? I fucking hate that it happened that way, that you missed out on so much and that I didn't get to see you with Scar when she was a little baby." She swallowed a lump in her throat. "But all that's in the past now and I just want to focus on us three together without thinking about all the bad things that happened, especially today."

"I know," He mumbled, reaching up to pull her back into his side. "I know baby." He closed his eyes as he held her tight against his body and breathed in her comforting scent.

"I love you and I love her," Camila whispered against his shoulder as she squeezed his waist tight. "We're not going to lose each other again."

He nodded, knowing that today wasn't the day to start getting angry about the past. It was a new start for them all and there wasn't going to be a single tear from anyone. "I love you more." Shawn smiled, craning his head to peck her lips again as she cracked a small smile too.

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