Chapter 25

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The next morning Shawn felt something shift next to him and slowly opened his eyes. Scarlett was beside him, tucked up into his chest and still dressed in her clothes with her hair tied in two messy braids. He smiled and reached forward to tuck a curl behind her ear as she slept.

Then he looked over to where Camila was laying on her stomach with her head resting on the pillow facing him and Scarlett. He reached under the covers and placed his hand on her back as she stirred again. Her eyes fluttered open and she rubbed them before turning into her side. Shawn instantly panicked and thought she would jump up from the bed, gather her clothes and run out of his apartment like she had done the night they kissed but she didn't. Instead she gave him a smiled and whispered, "Morning."

"Morning." He whispered back. "How are you?"

"I'm good," She smiled, taking his hand from her back and interlocked his fingers with her own. "Really good."

"So you don't-"

"No, Shawn. I don't regret any of it." She cut him off, running her thumb over his hand.

"Good." He smiled, squeezing her hand before resting his head back on the pillow. "I missed this."

"Missed what?"

"Waking up with you in my bed." He smirked, causing Camila to blush slightly. "And this makes it better." He looked down at Scarlett who was still fast asleep.

"Yeah, it does." She agreed, gently stroking her daughters rosy cheek. "She looks so much like you when she sleeps,"

"You think so?" Shawn looked down at Scarlett too.

Camila nodded. "Even when she was younger and she would sleep next to me." She whispered, her eyes not moving from Scarlett. "And sometimes I would imagine that you were on the bed with us."

Shawn swallowed a lump in his throat and looked down at Scarlett's dainty hand that was resting above the covers. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize." Camila smiled slightly.

"I know, it's just you said-"

"I said it because I want you to know that I never stopped thinking about you." She cut him off, sitting up slightly so she could be closer to him.

A smile appeared on Shawn's lips. "I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." She grinned, leaning over Scarlett so she could kiss him, his hand cupping her cheek as their lips melted together.

A small giggle broke their lips apart and they looked down to see Scarlett awake. "What are you laughing at missy?" Camila asked, tickling her tummy.

Scarlett laughed as Camila kept tickling her and buried her face in Shawn's chest. "Stop," She giggled. "Stop mommy."

"Okay." Camila sighed and lay back down on the pillow next to them.

"I'm hungry." Scarlett announced, sitting up against the pillows.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Shawn asked, getting out of the bed and pulling on some grey sweat pants from his drawer.


"Okay then." He chuckled.

Camila and Scarlett stayed in the bed while Shawn walked over to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Camila sat up in the bed and pulled Scarlett onto her knee for some morning cuddles. "What are we doing today?" Scarlett asked.

"We can do whatever you want. It's New Years Eve remember." Camila replied, pulling out the bows from her daughters hair and untangling the messy braids.

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