Chapter 29

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Shawn stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jacket as he stood on the school playground, waiting for Scarlett. He was standing at the back of a group of parents and could just about see over them to the door as children around Scarlett's age started filtering out. He watched as girls and boys burst through the door impatiently wanting to get as far away from school as they could.

Two minutes later he was starting to panic when Scarlett was yet to appear at the door and started going over the directions Camila had given him, he was sure he was in the right place.

Another minute passed before he spotted a little curly haired child leave the building. He almost had to look twice when he saw that Scarlett's usual cheeky grin wasn't plastered to her face and instead her eyes were red and her bottom lips stuck out. He walked forward to meet her half way as she kept her gaze low and dragged her backpack behind her. "Are you okay, Scar?" He asked, reaching out for her bag.

She sniffled and nodded not meeting his eyes. "Where's Mommy?" She asked.

"She had to run to the store really quick but she'll be back soon." He explained.

"Oh," Was all she said and Shawn could see tears filling her eyes again.

He squatted down to her level and took her dainty hand in his. "Why are you upset?" Her lip quivered and tears started to fall from her eyes. Shawn was quick to pull her into his chest and her little arms wrapped around his neck.

His heart broke at the sight of his daughter so upset and he was determined to know why. He tried to pull back to speak to her but she was clinging on to his jacket too tight. Instead he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her up, walking to the nearest bench and sitting them down.

Finally managing to pull her head away from his chest, he leant forward and wiped her soft cheeks of the tears that covered them. "What's wrong?" He asked again softly. He was really starting to worry about why she was so upset.

"Abi doesn't want to be my best friend anymore," She spluttered. "She wants to be best friends with Holly instead."

Shawn couldn't help but feel slightly relived that it wasn't anything more serious but it still hurt him that she was so upset. "Why not?"

"I don't know," She shrugged her shoulders as a fat tear ran down her cheek. "Now I have no one to play with."

"What about your friend from dancing? With the red hair?"

"Freya doesn't come to this school." She mumbled, looking down at her feet. "Now I don't have a best friend."

Shawn wrapped his arm around her tighter. "What other friends do you have that you can play with?" He asked.

She shrugged again and was back to staring at her feet. He knew that more tears were coming and that's the last thing he wanted so he pulled her body against his chest and pressed a kiss to the top of her hair.

"Can you be my best friend, Shawn?" She mumbled against his shoulder, causing him to let out a wide smile.

"Of course I can." He grinned. "We can play tea parties and princesses and you can braid my hair." He carried on jokingly, hoping to get a smile out of her and was pleased when she let out a giggle.

"I can't braid your hair." She laughed.

"Why not?"

"Coz' it's too short." She laughed again, leaning up to run her fingers through his hair. "But you can still be my best friend."

"Good," He grinned.

"You're funny and kind and you're not mean like Abi is." She carried on, leaning into his chest as he tightened his grip on her.

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