Chapter 28

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The sound of laughter could be heard from all the way down the hall as Shawn approached his apartment. He was confused at first until he remembered that he had left Camila in his bed when he went to work that morning.

He opened the door and found Camila standing at his kitchen counter top with Scarlett sitting on the edge. There was a bowl in the middle of them and what looked like a tray of cupcakes on the side.

"Hi Shawn!" Scarlett exclaimed, spotting him at the door.

"Hey," He replied, walking closer to them and looking at the huge mess they had made. "What are you doing?" He asked, looking at Camila, but Scarlett answered instead.

"We made you cupcakes coz mommy said she made you sad so now we're making you happy again." She grinned as she took a handful of sprinkles and dumped them on an iced cupcake.

Shawn looked over at Camila who was offering him a small smile and he placed his hand on her lower back. "You didn't," He told her.

She bit her lip and looked up at him. "I did and I'm sorry."

"I'm not upset, I just wish you'd tell me why you don't want us to buy a house."

"I've been trying to all day but you've been ignoring my calls."

"I wasn't ignoring you, I forgot my phone this morning." She just raised as eyebrow, unconvinced. "It's over there." He pointed to his bed side table where his phone was.

"Oh," She chewed on her bottom lip again. "Sorry,"

"Stop apologizing." He gave her a small smile. "You've done nothing wrong."

She ran her hand down his arm and squeezed it comfortingly. "I do want to move in with you and Scar, in a huge house with a garden so we can be a proper family." She started. "But I just think we're taking things too fast. We only just got together and what if..." She's trailed off.

"What if what?" Shawn asked.

"What if we rush into things then we'll go back to how we were before."

"Camila that's not going to happen again." He reassured her looping his arms around her waist. "I promise."

"I know," She sighed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I know. I just-" She looked down. "I'm scared of getting hurt again."

Shawn's hands left her waist to grasp her cheeks and bring her eyes up to meet his. "You're not going to get hurt again, okay? You and Scarlett are everything to me and I'm not going to leave you again. Ever."

"You better start saving up then." Camila smiled, taking Shawn by surprise.

"I thought...?" He trailed off, she could be so confusing sometimes.

"You said it will take a while so we might as well start now." She grinned up at him and placed a kiss to his lips. "I got you a present as well." She pulled back as she reached for her bag and pulled out a package wrapped in tissue paper.

"You didn't need to get me a present." He told her as he started to open it.

"It's a late Christmas present." She shrugged watching as he pulled out three photo frames. One of Scarlett as a toddler, one of herself and Scarlett when she was a new born and one of her and Shawn when they were teenagers. "I saw those two pictures earlier in the box I gave you." She said, pointing to the photos of Scarlett. "And I found this one at my moms the other day." She pointed to the one of them together as teenagers. "Now you can put them up."

He pulled away from her and walked around to his bed, placing the three frames on his bedside table and dangling the pink wooden necklace he kept there over the corner of the picture of Scarlett, before coming back to her. "Thank you." He smiled. Now he go to see Camila and Scarlett's beautiful faces every time he woke up.

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