The pup's tail began swishing back and forth on the dirty floor, clearly doing its best to win the fastest Swiffer sweeper award, but at least it didn't have eyes. 

I'm so strange, Trever thought as he quickly relieved himself, then headed over to the sinks. 

He finished washing his hands and turned toward the exit, but realized that there wasn't a pup with him. Looking over his shoulder, he couldn't help but snicker a little as Ravi looked over his own fuzzy shoulder at him, his eyes wide with worry. 

I'm not going to intentionally leave you at a rest stop in the middle of nowhere, you doofus. 

"Come on, Ravi. Let's get going," he said as he headed out. 

Ravi's dog bolted past him, disappearing around the corner in a blur of fur and dust. Trever walked around the corner a few moments later, nearly jumping from surprise when Ravi suddenly appeared abruptly and dropped something at his feet before backing up a few steps and whining. 

Leaning down, Trever eyed the... ball? 

Can that thing even be called a ball? 

It looked like it had long-since been freed from its fuzzy outer coating and now sported the darkest blown color he'd ever seen. Another whine from Ravi drew his eyes up to the pup, who immediately dropped down into a very sloppy, over-excited play bow. 

You look like a psychotic cat kneading the sidewalk with a terrible kink in your neck. 

Resigned to needing to wash his hands again before they left, Trever picked up the disgusting ball and straightened back to his full height. By the time he returned his attention to Ravi the dog was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, spinning every other step as he anticipated that the ball was actually going to be thrown! 

Shaking his head, Trever glanced down at the nasty ball in his hand one more time before winding up and throwing it as far as he could. Ravi watched it soar over his head, stunned into pausing his craziness for a whole five seconds before he gave a surprisingly-high jump into the air, turning as he seemed to hover for a moment. 

The second his paws returned to the ground he snorted and kicked his back feet up like an overly-excited horse, though Trever would have bet that he just slipped on the smooth bit of concrete, before he darted off into the distance. 

That's one fast boy. 

He probably shouldn't have thrown it so far, but it had been forever since he'd pitched in a baseball game. He'd just wanted to see how far he could still throw a ball...

It took Ravi nearly three minutes to find and retrieve the ball, then return it directly to the designated spot in front of Trever's shoes. He then backed up into his strange bowing pose, hoping beyond hope, that the ball would grace the air again so that he may retrieve and return it once more.  

"You really like to fetch, huh? I guess we can play for a bit. Maybe it will wear you out enough so that you can sleep some more," Trever said as he wound up and threw the ball again. 

They played that way for about thirty minutes before a second dog, a golden retriever mix of some sort, tried to join in. Trever thought that it was cute, but Ravi, evidently, did not. 

He put all of his effort into getting to the ball the fastest, and if he somehow wasn't the first one to it, he made sure to take it from the golden no matter how hard the other dog tried to simply bring bag its little prize for some praise. 

Eventually, the owner of the golden mix walked up to Trever, a frown on her face as she crossed her arms, holding her dog's leash in one hand.   

"Your dog is being pretty rude, you know?" 

Wild Dog (mxm) (Rever series 4)Where stories live. Discover now