Chapter 40 : Cale's Interlude; Epiphania Euphorica

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Cale feels anxious, to be honest.

Although he was known to be brash and absurdly violent through a voice, he still has the nerves to feel shitty, and heart beat quickened. Quite versatile on one's feelings, however, he holds it in and ignored the slight twitch of his finger.

The sight before him—he didn't expect much that he would react this bad. Okay, not that bad but it still did spike a bit of anxiety through his mind.

Countless thoughts of being good enough or being visible has always been his least forte. Perhaps it was of the environment he grew up in to have that kind of thoughts. Neglect and Dismissal. He is familiar with that. So even if Bassen could be here, somewhere around the Coliseum — the others wouldn't be.

It was just that.

Even if it mattered down deep in his heart, he chose to ignore it. He already has people beside him, he can't be anymore selfish. He has already done that years ago.

With a shudder, Cale Henituse brought the mic to his lips and greeted everyone along with the others.

The scream that came along felt so foreign, those eyes that held excitement and adoration. Cale felt an unmistakable emotion, tinge with ecstatic happiness. Even if it was only directed to his mask or persona, he feels okay with it.

Cale laughs, the sound of his boisterous and Fox-like voice echoed through the speakers. His eyes glance over to his left side, he sees Kim Rok Soo and his upturned edges of his lips. The action was towards him.

Cale can't help but feel his heart flutter, he rolled his eyes. Stupid bastard. Making him feel things like this. Oh well. It's not that bad anyway. Perhaps feeling happy and found is truly a heart string puller.

"Hello everyone! Thank you very much for coming to watch us all, it's really really a surprise for us to see how many people are in here. This is a crowd that is very worthy to call Populus Concordiae and I like that a lot. " Mary started to talk as she looked around, despite her face being covered, everyone could feel the happiness vibrate from her aura.

The woos that came from the crowd intensified, hearing her talk is immeasurably different than just her singing. Paseton nods along and decided to go after her, they all had already planned on who's next to talk.

"Uhm-, I'm not sure of what to say," despite saying something simple as that, people--mostly ladies, still had gone crazy from that alone that it made Mary laugh: "Okay- guys, calm down. Pfft- calm down! Ahem. So, uh, we would like to thank our teachers and headmaster for supporting today's concert. It's really an experience and it hasn't even started yet."

The blue-haired teen looked over to the blonde male on the band: "All of us really prepared a lot, and our very own drummer went hard on his part."

The crowd cheers from the announcement. So they really were expecting solos? Cale hid a smile, but also laughed along when Paseton mentioned Taylor's stuffy lyrics filled with curses. Seriously, give this man a break.

"Although we digress since we are dragging the time," Mary chuckles. "So, our next performance will be actually... ahem~ different than usual. I hope everyone enjoys!" And as she said that, the lights went out. Everyone went quiet as they all wondered what was going to happen.

As people waited, the sound of echoing drums lighted up the stage as Cale internally reassures himself. The music was very different than their usual rock punk, this one was more soulful and heartfelt; a complete contrast to the other members' songs.

Usually, the songs he would've made would have been specifically for his Mum and his mental health--but with a founded relationship, it was the first time ever to write something as cheesy as this.

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