Chapter 31 : Therefore, You and Me. (1)

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Kim Rok Soo watches silently as Cale moved around the place, trying to get off a few plastic materials from the pond. Thank the Dragons they have poison/acid proofed gloves or else, their skin and bones would've turned to substances.

But despite some of the dangerous things around, Cale seems to have fun cleaning - which is both weird and oddly entertaining, weird that someone who has a servant likes to clean and oddly entertaining that it is so cute to see him smile and the way his steps have skips.

He seems to genuinely clean the pond, even going as far to pull out a garbage bag in his bag and out all of the hazardous or plastic materials he had taken out from the pond.

If only his cheeks wasn't so dirty and that, he now reeks of sweat. Kim Rok Soo shakes his head and pulled his gloves off carefully before putting it on one of the wooden stairs of the treehouse and pulled out a handkerchief from his pockets.


With one word, the redhead turns and stares at him inquisitively before seeing the handkerchief on his hand and slightly tilt his head downwards for more access.

Kim Rok Soo sighs and pat the other's forehead till the pat reached his cheeks, the same pair of eyes meet. A small silence falls between the both of them like some staring competition before an idiotic yet beautiful-like smile blooms onto Cale's face.

"Rok Soo, I just thought of a new song!"

And of course, the small little outburst of songs that Cale has once in a week. "Ah, yes, of course." The raven sighs at the display of brightness and chuckles, still not realising that he hadn't take off his hands from the other's cheek.

Cale narrows his eyes mischievously, "Hm? Did you expect something?"

Kim Rok Soo raises a brow at the question and shook his head--suddenly feeling iffy, "No, why?"

Cale squinted his eyes as his lips pursed before shaking his head: "Nothing. You-- haa..."

The young Korean's eyelids twitch at the exasperated sigh, what the hell did he do for that mannerism to come out? This punk--.

Kim Rok Soo pulled away and turned to get his gloves before resuming to clean his side of the pond, effectively ignoring Cale who stood there with a pouting face.

'He didn't even let me tease him >:( and now he's ignoring me too D:'

"What are your standing there for?" The other asked once he noticed how the other was just stilled in his place as if someone took his favourite cake.

The redhead shook his head gloomily and started to clean, but now, his face was acquainted with a childish pout.

Once the two had finished cleaning and settled inside the creaky and old treehouse, Kim Rok Soo can't help but frown in discontent with how bothered he was seeing Cale being so sulky even now.

The black-haired teen was facing the other's back, Cale was busy looking at his phone with no reaction or whatsoever but you could discern the furrow in his brows if you were observant enough.


Kim Rok Soo didn't even think about what to say when the other looked up from his phone. Cale tilted his head, "yes???"

The lanky male's frown deepens in response as his lips turn down subconsciously, now if was his turn to rather appear sulky. The other was confused of the sudden change in mood and scooted closer with his beige pillow in hand.

"Are you okay?" Cale asks.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Kim Rok Soo retorts.

The two stared at each other, one with determination while the other with confusion.

Can't We Just Leave The Monster Alive?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें