Chapter 18 : She Says, He Says. (2)

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Kim Rok Soo definitely did not expect to find two people in front of the club's door at such an early hour. He thought that Cale had given a closed sign here to indicate that it was confidential- ahem, whatever that meant.

One was a blond and the other was uh, a hooded person- oh, nevermind. It was a girl, and it was Mary, one of the intelligent people in the campus. Mary Brangwen is the adopted grandchild of Mayor Obante of the Brangwen Household.

Currently, she is in her senior year and is studying G.E and also partakes in science programs. She won one of the best experiments, creating small dragons by using lizard bones and dead reptiles - she also did not hesitate to use dead mana which is quite admirable.

And the latter person was Taylor Stan, currently the successor and also Venion's older brother - a senior student. He isn't that particularly famous but he is one of the people who are idiosyncratically, somewhat famously photogenic.

He was looked down on by his family for being too kind or whatever they were blabbering about. But honestly, Kim Rok Soo just knows that isn't the case.

The kindest can be the ruthless, Kim Rok Soo had learned that since he was young. It would've been counterproductive for Taylor Stan to just show up all his cards and literally, that is the scariest thing.

Kim Rok Soo's footsteps must've taken their attention as their heads simultaneously turned to him. He stopped just about six feet away, and angled his head to the side, "Can I help you?"

The blond-haired senior opens his mouth in realisation. Taylor swiftly smiles, "Are you perhaps the one who manages this club?"

"Ah no, not really. I am currently in charge of opening up the club since my partners are too, hm, troublesome." Kim Rok Soo clicks his tongue, he could hear the blonde man chuckle as he unlocks the door and slid it open, "Anyway, come in. We'll have a conversation inside, after all, this club is meant to be kept silent about."


"Why do you want to join a club like this?" Kim Rok Soo asks.

Usually, high-born people would choose business over arts. You could say having a talent at music is quite common however, in Roan City, no one really tried to have it as an occupation; it was as if being a singer was a curse. You can never really get famous, because most artist had never really sailed out their albums and mostly, they went up with money and bought fame.

Taylor shakes his head, "I'm doing this for extra points, however, if we are spending our extra time on curriculum. Why not just do something we love?"

"I see a part in his statement. There is no reason not to do something we love." Mary, for the first time in awhile, had finally spoken.

Kim Rok Soo hums calmly and looked towards them with a small smile, but to them, it looked like the infamous cold grin that the young ladies gossip about at the cafeteria. Mary simply smiles as the rumours clearly were exaggerated. You can never trust rumours, only the involved party would truly know.

"Since it is still 11 : 45, we have three more minutes before those idiots arrive," Kim Rok Soo sighs, visibly exhausted at slight mention of his mates. Taylor chuckles, still having the patience. It's not like there's a lot do until one anyway.

"Say, why were you guys together? It's quite a surprise to see people here in the fourth hall."

That was true. The left wing, fourth hall, although the school's capacity was literally seven thousand max, not many people really come to this side of the school. Kim Rok Soo doesn't know the reason why, you cannot blame him.

Even if he has been studying for five months in Helianthus Academy, he doesn't hear shit from anyone regarding rumours, not even the classic horror ones. (--Rok Soo, they do have rumours. You just don't pay attention nor give a fuck about it most of the time 😭👏🏻)

Taylor hums casually as he crosses his right leg to his other, "Would you be mad if I were to say I heard one of your performances?"

That immediately took all of his attention as he scarcely glanced at the senior student. He heard it? Someone heard it- Kim Rok Soo inhales sharply, didn't the Dean said that he put sound barriers around the school so no one can hear them?

With a single word, he squints his eyes in disbelief:


"Hm? Did you not know? A few senior students pass by the fourth hall to either study or go to the business administration department." Taylor laughed as he reminisced like it was the good ol' days the folks do, "I was on my way to B.A for our final examination, it just so happens that I bumped with Mary-ssi along the way."

Mary nodded to acquiesce with the other's statement, "It's true. I was on my way to the physics laboratory when I and Taylor practically crashed. At that moment, we heard drums and guitars-- electric guitars and a voice."

Kim Rok Soo couldn't help but gulp down the uneasiness as the words they had uttered echoed in his mind. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. Ah- no no, that-, .... what the hell?

He was in utter disbelief that he couldn't help but stagger almost visibly, the two didn't seem to notice as they were too busy sharing their opinions on the song they heard. And the raven couldn't help but be silent, he tried to hear more of their verdicts and composed himself.

"--it's very cool. The lyrics was nice and I could exactly feel the emotions sung through!" Taylor chuckles happily and hums the tune. Mary joined in with her monotonous yet mellow tone.

The tune that he, himself- Kim Rok Soo had created in a whim, right from boredom. It was just a tiny small little melody that he joked about with Paseton and Cale yet those two idiots got serious over it and demanded more.

So the three of them did a three minutes run, fixing lyrics and mixing beats they could think of that smoothly went with the song - it was slightly a fun and messy experience but it was tolerable.

Although, he didn't expect someone would hear it. Nevertheless, these lads.

"I see." He stiffly answers.

The day continued until they could hear the distant yet distinct sounds of two people shouting at each other.

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