Chapter 36 : Hallways Are Inconvenient. (2)

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"Rok Soo-yah~ look at this!"

Paseton called out to the Korean who was just simply minding his own business as he walked towards the base of the rooftop. He seemed to be reading a book. Paseton grinned and was about to run after the guy when Cale was about to fucking bring him down.

Fortunately enough, Paseton dodged but then awkwardly watched as it all happen. Kim Rok Soo blinked, feeling chilly and narrowed his eyes in suspicion and then turned his back only to meet with a missile with the shade of red.

Oh shit.

Boogsh- !!

Aaand there goes his book.

"Ouch.." the raven grunts as he fell to the ground along with Cale, the collision didn't do that much but falling to timestone-cemented floor is the worst ever. The raven-haired sighs and stood up, easily handling Cale's body and was to get him off when the redhead shook his head and clung to him.

"Cale?" Kim Rok Soo pat his cheek twice. "What's wrong?"

The redhead was silent for a few more minutes before blurting out hurriedly, "Don't look at Paseton's phone!"

Ah. Kim Rok Soo glanced towards Paseton who was just shuffling next to the door, he looks so stiff and.. usual. The korean raised a querying eyebrow as the other second year awkwardly smiled, "Uh-"

"Tell him to delete it!" Cale's voice was muffled because he was burying his face on Rok Soo's chest. "Don't look at the phone! Tell him to delete the photo!"

The Korean can't help but shook his head, these two, really. It's like taking care of two children. "Paseton. Just do what he says..." the raven-haired says with an exasperated tone.

Paseton seemed reluctant at first before nodding as his thumbs moved in a swift manner. Kim Rok Soo knows that the blue-haired male simply transferred it to another file to share it with him later, he knows how Paseton do his blackmails—and it's usually shared with him because apparently, Paseton has dub it as simply simping and bonding over a cute strawberry or whatever he meant.

He doesn't care about whatever it was but he does not want to see a whiny and crying Cale.

The grip on his sleeves intensified, "is it done?" Kim Rok Soo puffs his cheeks and nodded, softly patting the other to get off.

Cale ineptly moved with a frown on his face and then slumped down on the ground, glaring at Paseton who was silently cackling.

The raven saw this and just shake his head questionably before reaching out to get the book that was mindlessly thrown.

"What are you both doing here anyway? I thought you were doing your assigned roles." Kim Rok Soo frowns, taking notice of how haggard Calj with his... questionable button patterns, should he mention that?

"I and Mary were simply playing, I don't know what the hell Pasto was doing before barging in the music room."

"Was finished arranging the entrance and then found Mary and Cale in--"


"MmmmmHn, yeah. You know!" Paseton continued and looked away when Cale was staring right into his soul.

Kim Rok Soo squinted his eyes in uncertainty before shrugging it off, "whatever."

Better stay as ignorant as ever.

Later at night, Kim Rok Soo received a very cute picture of a flushed redhead in a skirt with Mary by the side, simply looking wide-eyed at the camera.

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