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Things were not going well.

After stopping back at Nephthys' 'house' for her to pack up her 'supplies', Nephthys and Amneris realised they had absolutely no idea what they were supposed to be looking for. Naturally. Thankfully, one of them was able to come up with an idea.

That was how Amneris and Nephthys found themselves stalking the Void Beasts. It sounded easy, but it was far from. Those things were crazy unpredictable and attacked the slightest wrong-looking thing in their realm. And there wasn't much of said realm to use to hide. The Void Beasts had crashed their way through everything on this world and the Void itself had taken its toll on what used to be planets.

When the Void Beasts took to the 'sky', Amneris found herself staring after them. Flying was not a good idea in this place, and there was no way to tell where she'd end up. Nephthys, however, was less worried about this. She grabbed Amneris' hand and leapt high into the sky. The two women cried out as they found themselves falling toward the ground of a world above them.

When they landed—Nephthys on her feet, Amneris on her face—Amneris spat dirt from her mouth and sent an angered glare at Nephthys. "You did that on purpose."

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She glanced down at Amneris. "Are you going to lay there all day?"

Amneris let out a string of creative curses as she got to her feet and dusted herself off, but Nephthys had already begun running after the Void Beasts. Amneris tipped her head back and groaned. If she was actually going to die in a way that meant she wouldn't revive, it sure as fuck wouldn't be because of this nutcase. Her pride wouldn't allow it. Amneris adjusted the straps of her backpack and hurried to catch up with Nephthys.

They tracked the Void Beasts for . . . Well, Amneris had no idea how long nor how far. Time and Space didn't seem to have any sway in the Void. It was off-putting, and that was being nice. Where one world ended, the next seemed to start. You could jump from planet to planet, walk on for ever and ever, and there was still barely any light in the sky. A permanent state of twilight from the fading stars falling into the Void. They were devoured almost as fast as the planets.

This place was confusing as fuck.

Nephthys chucked from where she sat behind a boulder. "Yes, I made that exact face my first few days here."

Amneris frowned and sat, pointedly, away from her. "I don't need to be told about how much I'm like you. We both know I'm not."

"You're more like me than you believe, dear daughter."

Amneris raised an eyebrow and jabbed a thumb over her shoulder. "Call me that again, and I will let them eat you."

Nephthys lifted her head above the boulder. Her purple eyes widened. "I believe they would partially agree."

Amneris peaked over. "Oh, boy."

The Void Beasts had seen them. One rose over the boulder, staring down at the pair. Its eyes were firmly set on them. It let out an unworldly roar loud enough that Amneris and Nephthys covered their ears as they scrambled to their feet. Once again, they found themselves running.

"This is ridiculous!" Amneris cried.

Nephthys shot her an irritated look. "Imagine how it has been for me for the past seven years!"

"Oh, shut up!" Amneris snapped back. "Just tell me how we get rid of it!"

"You can't." Nephthys gritted her teeth and glanced to the sky. "We will have to risk it."

"Risk what?"

Nephthys grabbed Amneris wrist. Her dark blue Fae wings tore from her back and spread to full length. Without warning, Nephthys shot to the sky, dragging Amneris with her. The world around them went crazy. Broken and breaking worlds appeared everywhere. There was no way to know which way was down. It was dizzying. Even so, the Void Beasts followed them with ease.

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now